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equipment for waste control, waste treatment, air filtering, or solvent recovery; special containment enclosures and safety shields; non-standard laboratory equipment used to analyse toxic chemicals for chemical weapons purposes; custom-designe process control panels; or dedicated spares for specialized equipment.

b) "Standard equipment* means:

i) Production equipment which is generally used in the chemical industry and is not included in the types of specialized equipment;

ii) Other equipment commonly used in the chemical industry, such as: fire-fighting equipment; guard and security/safety surveillance equipment; medical facilities, laboratory facilities; or communications equipment.

6 — «Facility» in the context of article vi means any of the industrial sites as defined below («plant site», «plant» and «unit»).

a) «Plant site* (works, factory) means the local integration of one or more plants, with any intermediate administrative levels, which are under one operational control, and includes common infrastructure, such as:

i) Administration and other offices;-

ii) Repair and maintenance shops; Hi) Medical centre;

iv) Utilities;

v) Central analytical laboratory;

vi) Research and development laboratories;

vii) Central effluent and waste treatment area; and

viii) Warehouse storage.

b) «Plant» (production facility, workshop) means a relatively self-contained area, structure or building containing one or more units with auxiliary and associated infrastructure, such as:

(') Small administrative section; ii) Storage/handling areas for feedstock and products; iif) Effluent/waste handling/treatment area;

iv) Control/analytical laboratory;

v) First aid service/related medical section; and

vi) Records associated with the movement into, around and from the site, of declared chemicals and their feedstock or product chemical formed from them, as appropriate.

c) «Unit» (production unit, process unit) means the combination of those items of equipment, including vessels and vessel set up, necessary for the production, processing or consumption of a chemical.

7 — «Facility agreement* means an agreement or arrangement between a State Party and the Organization relating to a specific facility subject to on-site verification pursant do articles rv, v and vi.

8 — «Host State» means the State on whose territory lie facilities or areas of another State, Party to this Convention, which are subject to inspection under this Convention.

9 — «In-country escort* means individuals specified by the inspected State Parry and, if appropriate, by the Host State, if they so wish, to accompany and assist the inspection team during the in-contry period.

10 — «In-country period* means the period from me arrival of the inspection team at a point of entry until its departure from the. State at a point of entry.

11 — «Initial inspection* means the first on-site inspection of facilities to verify declarations submitted pursuant to articles m, rv, v and vi and this Annex.

12 — «Inspected State Party* means the State Party on whose territory or in any other place under its jurisdiction or control an inspection pursuant to this Convention takes place, or the State Party whose facility or area on the territory of a Host State is subject to such an inspection; it does not, however, include the State Party specified in partii, paragraph 21, of this Annex.

13 — «Inspection assistant* means an individual designated by the Technical Secretariat as set forth in part n, section A, of this Annex to assist inspectors in an inspection or visit, such as medical, security an administrative personnel and interpreters.

14 — «Inspection mandate* means the instructions issued by the Director-General to the inspection team for the conduct of a particular inspection.

15 — «Inspection manual* means the compilation of additional procedures for the conduct of inspection developed by the Technical Secretariat.

16 — inspection site* means any facility or area at which an inspection is carried out and which is specifically defined in the respective facility agreement or inspection request or mandate or inspection request as expanded by the alternative or final perimeter.

17 — inspection team* means the group of inspectors and inspection assistants assigned by the Director-General to conduct a particular inspection. .

18 — inspector* means an individual designated by the Technical Secretariat according to the procedures as set forth in part ii, section A, of this Annex, to carry out an inspection or visit in accordance with this Convention.

19 — «Model agreement* means a document specifying the general form and content for an agreement concluded between a State Party and the Organization for fulfilling the verification provisions specified in this Annex.

20 — «Observen> means a representative of a requesting State Party or a third State Party to observe a challenge inspection.

21 — «PerimeteD> in ease of challenge inspection means the external boundary of the inspection site, defined by either geographic coordinates or description on a map.

a) «Requested perimeter* means the inspection site perimeter as specified in conformity with part x, paragraph o, of this Annex.

b) «Alternative perimeter* means the inspection site perimeter as specified, alternatively to the requested perimeter, by the inspected State Party; it shall conform to the requirements specified in part x, paragraph 17, of this Annex.

c) «Final perimeter* means the final inspection site perimeter as agreed in negotiations between the inspection team and the inspected State Party, in accordance with part x, paragraphs 16 to 21, of this Annex.

d) «Declared perimeter* means the external boundary of the facility declared pursuant to articles in, rv, v and vi.

22 — «Period of inspection*, for the purposes of article tx, means the period of time from provision of access to the inspection team to the inspection site until its departure from the inspection site, exclusive of time spent on briefings before and after the verification activities.

23 — «Period of inspection*, for the purposes of articles rv, v and vi, means the period of time arrival of the inspection team at the inspection site until its departure from the inspection site, exclusive 'of time spent on briefings before and' after the verification activities.