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c) Location and characteristics of the areas where, chemical weapons are alleged to have been used;

d) When chemical weapons are alleged to have been used;

e) Types of chemical weapons believed to have been • used;

f) Extent of alleged use;

g) Characteristics of the possible toxic chemicals;

h) Effects on humans, animals and vegetation; 0 Request for specific assistance, if applicable.

4 — The State Party which has requested an investigation may submit at any time any additional information it deems necessary.


5 — The Director-General shall immediately acknowledge receipt to the requesting State Party of its request and .inform the Executive Council and all States Parties.

6 — If applicable, the Director-General shall notify the State Party on whose territory an investigation has been requested. The Director-General shall also notify other States Parties if access to their territories might be required during the investigation.

Assignment of inspection team

7 — The Director-General shall prepare a list of qualified experts whose particular field of expertise could be required in an investigation of alleged use of chemical weapons and constantly keep this list updated. This list shall be communicated, in writing, to each State Party not later than 30 days after entry into force of this Convention and after each change to the list. Any qualified expert included in this list shall be regarded as designated unless a State Party, not later than 30 days after its receipt of the list, declares its non-acceptance in writing.

8 — The Director-General shall select the leader and members of an inspection team from the inspectors and inspection assistants already designated for challenge inspections taking into account the circumstances and specific nature of a particular request In addition, members of the inspection team may be selected from the listoof qualified experts when, in the view of the Director-General, expertise not available among inspectors already designated is required for the proper conduct of a particular investigation.

9 — When briefing the inspection team, the Director-General shall include any additional information provided by the requesting State Party, or any other sources, to ensure that the inspection can be carried out in the most effective and expedient manner.

Dispatch of inspection team

10 — Immediately upon the receipt of a request for an investigation of alleged use of chemical weapons the Director-General shall, through contacts with the relevant States Parties, request and confirm arrangements for the safe reception of the team.

11 — The Director-General shall dispatch the team at the earliest opportunity, taking into account the safety of the team.

12 — If the inspection team has not been dispatched within 24 hours from the receipt of the request, the

Director-General shall inform the Executive Council and

the States Parties concerned about the reasons for the delay.


13 — The inspection team shall have the right to be briefed by representatives of the inspected State Party upon arrival and at any time during the inspection.

14 — Before the commencement of the inspection the inspection team shall prepare an inspection plan to serve, inter alia, as a basis for logistic and safety arrangements. The inspection plan shall be updated as need arises.

C — Conduct of inspections


15 — The inspection team shall have the right of access to any and all areas which could be affected by the alleged use of chemical weapons. It shall also have the right of access to hospitals, refugee camps and other locations it deems relevant to the effective investigation of the alleged use of chemical weapons. For such access, the inspection team shall consult with the inspected State Party.


16 — The inspection team shall have the right to collect samples of types, and in quantities it considers necessary. If the inspection team deems it necessary, and if so requested by it, the inspected State Party shall assist in the collection of samples under the supervision of inspectors or inspection assistants. The inspected State Party shall also permit and cooperate in the collection of appropriate control samples from areas neighbouring the site of the alleged use and from other areas as requested by the inspection team.

17 — Samples of importance in the investigation of alleged use include toxic chemicals, munitions and devices, remnants of munitions and devices, environmental samples (air, soil, vegetation, water, snow, etc.) and biomediciA samples from human or animal sources (blood, urine, excreta, tissue, etc.).

18 — If duplicate samples cannot be taken and the analysis is performed at off-site laboratories, any remaining sample shall, if so requested, be returned to the inspected State Party after the completion of the analysis.

Extension of inspection site

19 — If the inspection team during an inspection deems it necessary to extend the investigation into a neighbouring State Party, the Director-General shall notify that State Party about the need for access to its territory and request and confirm arrangements for the safe reception of the team.

Extension of inspection duration

20 — If the inspection team deems that safe access to a specific area relevant to the investigation is not possible,