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C — Measures to protect sensitive installations and prevent disclosure of confidential data in the course of on-site verification activities.

13 — States Parties may take such measures as they deem necessary to protect confidentiality, provided that they fulfil their obligations to demonstrate compliance in accordance with the relevant articles and the Verification Annex. When receiving an inspection, the State Party may indicate to the inspection team the equipment, documentation or areas that it considers sensitive and not related to the purpose of the inspection.

14 — Inspection teams shall be guided by the principle of conducting on-site inspections in the least intrusive manner possible consistent with the effective and timely accomplishment of their mission. They shall take into consideration proposals which may be made by the State Party receiving the inspection, at whatever stage of the inspection, to ensure that sensitive equipment or information, not related to chemical weapons, is protected.

15 — Inspection teams shall strictly abide by the provisions set forth, in the relevant articles and annexes governing the conduct of inspections. They shall fully respect the procedures designed to protect sensitive installations and to prevent the disclosure of confidential data.

16 — In the elaboration of arrangements and facility agreements, due regard shall be paid to requirement or protecting confidential information. Agreements on inspection procedures for individual facilities shall also include specific and detailed arrangements with regard to the determination of those areas of the facility to which inspectors are granted access, the storage of confidential information on-site, the scope of the inspection effort in agreed areas, the taking of samples and their analysis, the access to records and the use of instruments and continuous monitoring equipment.

17 — The report to be prepared after each inspection shall only contain facts' relevant to compliance with this Convention. The report shall be handled in accordance with the regulations established by the organization governing the handling of confidential information. If necessary, the information contained in the report shall be processed into less sensitive forms before it is transmitted outside the Technical Secretariat and the inspected State Party.'

D — Procedures In case of breaches or alleged breaches of confidentiality

18 — The Director-General shall establish necessary procedures to be followed in case of breaches or alleged breaches of confidentiality, taking into account recommendations to be considered and approved by the Conference pursuant to article vm, paragraph 21, i).

19 — The Director-General shall oversee the implementation of individual secrecy agreements. The Director-General shall promptly initiate an investigation if, in his judgement, there is sufficient indication that obligations concerning the protection of confidential information have been violated. The Director-General shall also promptly initiate an investigation if an allegation concerning a breach of confidentiality is made by a State Party.

20 — The Director-General shall impose appropriate punitive and disciplinary measures on staff members who have violated their obligations to protect confidential information. In cases of serious breaches, the immunity from jurisdiction may be waived by the Director-General.

21 — States Parties shall, to the extent possible, cooperate and support the Director-Genera) in investigating any breach or alleged breach or confidentiality and in taking appropriate action in case a breach has been established.

22 — The Organization shall not be held liable for any breach of confidentiality committed by members of the Technical Secretariat.

23 — For breaches involving both a State Party and the Organization, a «Commission for the settlement of disputes related to confidentiality*, set up as a subsidiary organ of the Conference, shall consider the case. This Commission shall be appointed by the Conference. Rules governing its

1 composition and operating procedures shall be adopted by the Conference at its first session.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, opened for signature at Paris on 13 January 1993, the original of which is deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

For the Secretary-General, Under-Secretary-General, the Legal Counsel:

Carl-August Fleischhauer.



Os Estados Partes na presente Convenção:

Determinados a agir com vista a realizar progressos efectivos para o desarmamento geral e completo sob um controlo internacional estrito e eficaz, incluindo a proibição e a eliminação de todos os tipos de armas de destruição em massa;

Desejando contribuir para a realização dos fins e princípios da Carta das Nações Unidas;

Recordando que a Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas tem condenado repetidamente todas as acções contrárias aos princípios e objectivos do Protocolo Relativo à Proibição da Utilização em Guerra de Gases Asfixiantes, Tóxicos ou Similares e de Métodos Bacteriológicos de Guerra, assinado em Genebra em 17 de Junho de 1925 (o Protocolo de Genebra de 1925);

Reconhecendo que a presente Convenção reafirma os princípios e objectivos do Protocolo de Genebra de 1925 e da Convenção sobre a Proibição do Desenvolvimento, Produção e do Armazenamento de Armas Bacteriológicas (Biológicas) ou à Base de Toxinas e sobre a Sua Destruição, assinada em Londres, Moscovo e Washington em 10 de Abril de 1972, bem como as obrigações contraídas em virtude desses instrumentos;

Tendo presente o objectivo enunciado no artigo ix da Convenção sobre a Proibição do Desenvolvimento, Produção e do Armazenamento de Armas Bacteriológicas (Biológicas) ou à Base de Toxinas e sobre a Sua Destruição;