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Article 14 Assessment and verification of safety

Each Contracting Party shall take the appropriated steps to ensure that:

i) Comprehensive and systematic safety assessments are carried out before the construction and commissioning of a nuclear installation and throughout its life. Such assessments shall be well document, subsequently updated in the light of operation experience and significant new safety information, and reviewed under the authority of the regulatory body;

ii) Verification by analysis, surveillance, testing and inspection is carried out to ensure that the physical state and the operation of a nuclear installation continue to be in accordance with its design, applicable national safety requirements, and operation limits and conditions.

Article 15 Radiation protection

Each Contracting Party shall take the appropriate steps to ensure that in all operational states the radiation exposure to the workers and the public caused by a nuclear installation shall be kept as low as reasonably achievable and that no individual shall be exposed to radiation doses which exceed prescribed national dose limits.

Article 16

Emergency preparedness

1 — Each Contracting Party shall take the appropriate steps to ensure that there are on-site and off-site emergency plans that are routinely tested for nuclear installations and cover the activities to be carried out in the event of an emergency.

For any new nuclear installation, such plans shall be prepared and tested before it commences operation above a low power level agreed by the regulatory body.

2 — Each Contracting Party shall.take the appropriate steps to ensure that, insofar as they are likely to be affected by a radiological emergency, its own population and the competente authorities of the States in the vicinity of the nuclear installation are provided with appropriate information for emergency planning and response.

3 — Contracting Parties which do not have a nuclear installation on their territory, insofar as they are likely to be affected in the event of a radiological emergency at a nuclear installation in the vicinity, shall take the appropriate steps for the preparation and testing of emergency plans for their territory that cover the activities to be carried out in the event of such an emergency.

d) Safety of installations

Article 17 Siting

Each Contracting Party shall take the appropriate steps to ensure that appropriate procedures are established and implemented:

i) For evaluating all relevant site-related factors likely to affect the safety of a nuclear installation for its projected lifetime;

//) For evaluating the likely safety impact of a proposed nuclear installation on individuals, society and the environment;

Hi) For re-evaluating as necessary all relevant factors referred to in subparagraphs i) and ii) so as to ensure the continued safety acceptability of the nuclear installation;

iv) For consulting Contracting Parties in the vicinity of a proposed nuclear installation, insofar as they are likely to be affected by that installation and, upon request providing the necessary information to such Contracting Parties, in order to enable them to evaluate- and make their own assessment of the likely safety impact on their own territory of the nuclear installation.

Article 18 Design and construction

Each Contracting Party shall take the appropriate steps to ensure that:

i) The design and construction of a nuclear instalation provides for several reliable levels and methods of protection (defense in depth) against the release of radioactive materials, with a view to preventing the occurrence of accidents and to mitigating their radiological consequences should they occur;

ii) The technologies incorporated in the design and construction of a nuclear installation are proven by experience or qualified by testing or analysis;

iii)The design of a nuclear nstallation allows for reliable, stable and easily manageable operation, with specific consideration of human factors and the man-machine interface.

Article 19


Each Contracting Party shall take the appropriate setps to ensure that:

i) The initial authorization to operate a nuclear installation is based upon an appropriate safety analysis and a commissioning programme demonstrating that the installation, as constructed, is consistent with design and safety requirements;

ii) Operational limits and conditions derived from the safety analysis, tests and operational experience are defined and revised as necessary for identifying safe boundaries for operation;

iii) Operation, maintenance, inspection and testing of a nuclear installation are conducted in accordance with approved procedures;

iv) Procedures are established for responding to anticipated operational occurrences and to accidents;

v) Necessary engineering and technical support in all safety related fields is available throughout the lifetime of a nuclear installation;

vi) Incidents significant to safety are reported in a timely manner by the holder of the relevant licence to the regulatory body;

vii) Programmes to collect and analyse operating experience are established, the results obtained