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ties promptly and at least ninety days before the meeting for which it is submitted for consideration. Any comments received on such a proposal shall be circulated by the Depositary to the Contracting Parties.

3 — The Contracting Parties shall decide after consideration of the proposed amendment whether to adopt it by consensus, or, in the absence of consensus, to submit it to a Diplomatic Conference. A decision to submit a proposed amendment to a Diplomatic Conference shall require a two thirds majority vote of the Contracting Parties present and voting at the meeting, provided that at least one half of the Contracting Parties are present at the time of voting. Abstentions shall be considered as voting.

4 — The Diplomatic Conference to consider and adopt amendments to this Convention shall be convened by the Depositary and held no later than one year after the appropriate decision taken in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article. The Diplomatic Conference shall make every effort to ensure amendments are adopted by consensus. Should this not be possible, amendments shall be adopted with a two-thirds majority of all Contracting Parties.

5 — Amendments to this Convention adopted pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4 above shall be subject to ratification, acceptance, approval, or confirmation by the Contracting Parties and shall enter into force for those Contracting Parties which have ratified, accepted, approved or confirmed them on the ninetieth day after the receipt by the Depositary of the relevant instruments by at least three fourths of the Contracting Parties. For a Contracting Party which subsequently ratifies, accepts, approves or confirms the said amendments, the amendments will enter into force on the ninetieth day after that Contracting Party has deposited its relevant instrument.

Article 33 Denunciation

1 — Any Contracting Party may denounce this Convention by written notification to the Depositary.

2 — Denunciation shall take effect one year following the date of the receipt of the notification by the Depositary, or on such later date as may be specified in the notification.

Article 34 Depositary

1 — The Director General of the Agency shall be the Depositary of this Convention.

2 — The Depositary shall inform the Contracting Parties of:

/) The signature of this Convention and of de deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, in accordance with article 30;

ii) The date on which the Convention enters into force, in accordance with article 31;

Hi) The notifications of denunciation of the Convention and thé date thereof, made in accordance with article 33

iv) The proposed amendments to this Convention submitted by Contracting Parties, the amendments adopted by the relevant Diplomatic Conference or by the meeting of the Contracting Parties, and the date of entry into force of the said amendments, in accordance with article 32.

Article 35 Authentic texts

The original of this Convention of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Depositary, who shall send certified-copies thereof to the Contracting Parties.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Convention.

Done at Vienna on the 20th day of September 1994.



Os Signatários:

i) Cientes da importância que tem para a comunidade internacional assegurar que a utilização da energia nuclear é segura, bem regulamentada e não prejudica o meio ambiente;

ii) Reiterando a necessidade de continuar a promover níveis elevados de segurança nuclear em todo o mundo;

iii) Reiterando que a responsabilidade pela segu- • rança nuclear cabe ao Estado com jurisdição sobre a instalação nuclear;

ív) Desejando promover uma cultura de segurança nuclear eficaz;

v) Cientes de que os acidentes nas instalações nucleares podem ter impactes transfronteiriços;

vi) Tendo em conta a Convenção sobre Protecção Física de Materiais Nucleares (1979), a Convenção sobre a Notificação Imediata de Um Acidente Nuclear (1986) e a Convenção sobre Assistência em Caso de Acidente Nuclear ou Emergência Radiológica (1986);

' vii) Afirmando a importância da cooperação internacional no reforço da segurança nuclear através dos mecanismos bilaterais e multilaterais existentes e do estabelecimento desta Convenção de incentivo;

viu) Reconhecendo que esta Convenção implica um compromisso na aplicação dos princípios, fundamentais de segurança em instalações nucleares, mais do que normas detalhadas de segurança, e que existem directrizes internacionais de segurança que são actualizadas periodicamente e que podem assim dar orientação relativamente aos meios mais actuais para conseguir um elevado nível de segurança;

ix) Afirmando a necessidade de começar imediatamente a desenvolver uma convenção internacional sobre a gestão de resíduos radioactivos assim que o processo em curso para a criação de princípios de segurança na gestão de resíduos obtenha amplo acordo a nível internacional;

x) Reconhecendo a utilidade de um trabalho técnico mais aprofundado no que toca à segurança noutras fases do ciclo do combustível nuclear e qüe este trabalho poderá vir a facilitar o desenvolvimento dos instrumentos internacionais presentes ou futuros;