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f) To approve and submit to the consideration of the Directive Council all those proposed programs, budgets, agendas, reports and any other documents prepared by the secretary-general once they have been revised by the Programming and Evaluation Commission;

g) To receive the proposals of candidates for the position of secretary-general and make them know to the member countries and the corresponding Foreign Offices immediately thereafter;

h) To summon the Directive Council for ordinary or special meetings pursuant to the provisions set forth in article 10 hereunder;

i) Send invitations to the counsellors and observers of the member countries in the name of the Directive Council upon consultation with the other members of said Council;

To receive the credentials accrediting the titular and alternate représentatives of the member countries of CLAD; k) To receive the documents wherein the member countries accredit their counsellors and observers to attend each meeting of the Directive Council;

/) To submit the topics to be discussed at each meeting for the approval of the Directive Council;

m) To submit the agenda for the meeting to the consideration of the Directive Council;

n) To preside over the ordinary and special meetings, direct the discussions, call for voting and announce the results of same, pursuant to the provisions set forth in the respective regulations for meetings;

n) To organize commissions or working groups which may be deemed necessary to fulfil the attributions of the Council and to perform its own duties;

o) To install the working commissions created by the Directive Council;

p) To delegate to the vice-presidents the power to exercise and fulfil those attributions and activities which may help to further the best performance thereof;

q) To enforce and see that the other functions and tasks assigned to him by the Directive Council are enforced.


Of the attributions and duties of the vice-presidents

Article 15

The attributions and duties of the vice-presidents are the following:

a) To support the programs and projects in progress which are assigned to them, according to the president;

b) To cooperate with, the. president in exercising and fulfilling all of the attributions and duties assigned to the latter;

c) To assume the duties delegated to them by the president, and to carry them out or see that

they are executed and to inform the president on the results thereof;

d) To replace the president in an accidental absence or at his request, and therefore, to assume all of the rights, attributions and duties of the president.

In this case, the first vice-president will replace the president. In the event that the former cannot fulfil his duty, the president shall then be replaced by the second vice-president and so forth;

e) To comply with the other activities assigned to him by the Directive Council related with the field of action of CLAD.


Of the attributions and duties of the governmental representatives

Article 16

The attributions and duties of the representatives of the member countries are the following:

a) To attend all of the meetings which have been duly summoned, in order to be informed and decide regarding the matters related with CLAD;

b) To participate in all of the debates, meetings and special working sessions held during ordinary and extraordinary events;

c) To promote all those actions leading to a better performance of the activities of CLAD, also obtaining the necessary support from each country for strengthening and fulfilling the objectives assigned to the same;

d) To present in due time to the Directive Council the instruments wherein the respective countries express their support and contributions to CLAD pursuant to the provisions set forth by the Directive Council;

e) To see that the agreements, provisions, programs, projects, activities and regulations approved by the Directive Council of the Centre are fulfilled in the respective countries;

f) To make proposals to the Centre for the creation of programs and projects and to suggest the contents thereof;

g) To designate the number of national officials that may be deemed necessary to participate in the execution of the programs and projects;

h) To take all the necessary steps so that their governments pay their contributions to CLAD in a timely manner;

i) To report on every different instance of their countries that prove to be necessary, and to obtain the corresponding support for the different actions taken by CLAD;

j) To carry out the activities placed under their responsibility by the appropriate organizations of CLAD;

k) To enforce and see that the regulations and agreements which have been duly approved by the Directive Council are enforced.