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Article 27

The Programming and Evaluation Commission shall be entrusted with the following functions:

a) To analyze and evaluate the semestral reports and the annual report reviewed by an independent auditor, related to the program-budget (income and expenditures), of the financial statements and of CLAD's Work Plan;

b) To study and evaluate the proposals for program-budgets for the following fiscal year, taking into account the policies of CLAD and a balanced distribution of the resources, in accordance with the sub-regional problems or aspirations;

c) To prepare a resolution on the above issues, which shall be presented to the Directive Council at its ordinary annual meeting. Said document shall be sent by the secretary-general to the president for its distribution to the member countries, at least thirty days prior to the date set for said meeting.

CHAPTER XII Of the General Secretariat

Article 28

The General Secretariat, located in the headquarters of the Centre, is the technical body of CLAD in charge of the execution and management of the plans, programs and projects of the Centre.

Article 29

The secretary-general must be a native of a member country, and shall be in charge of the direction and management of the General Secretariat pursuant to the provisions hereunder and to the conditions and norms established by the Directive Council.

The secretary-general shall not represent any given country, but the General Secretariat as a whole.

Article 30

The names of the candidates for the position of secretary-general shall be forwarded, together with the respective curricula, to the president of the Council at least forty-five days prior to the date set for the election, and to the representatives and ministers of foreign affairs of the member countries.

Sole paragraph. Candidates to occupy the position of secretary-general shall be proposed by any member country.

Article 31

The secretary-general designated by the Directive Council in the manner indicated in item h) of article 13 hereunder, shall occupy its position during a period of three years and shall assume its functions within sixty days following the date of its election. The secretary-general can be reelected only once.

Article 32

The secretary-general shall be held responsible for its performance before the Directive Council and the president and shall render to the same all the accounts and reports deemed pertinent on the stipulated dates and manner.

Sole paragraph. Said official shall refrain from making decisions or taking measures which may be incompatible with the purposes of the Centre and with the nature of its attributions.

Article 33

The secretary-general, as well as the other officers serving full time at CLAD, may not perform other professional activities aside from those of the Centre, whether said activities be remunerated or not, except for an exceptional prior authorization by the Directive Council or the president. Nor shall they request or accept instructions or guidelines from any government or public or private organizations, whether national or international.

Article 34

In the event of resignation, death,s dismissal or impediment of the secretary-general to perform its duties as such, the designation of an acting secretary-general shall be made at an early date pursuant to articles 29, 30 and 31 hereunder. For those purposes, an ordinary or special meeting shall be summoned. Meanwhile, one of the vice-presidents, in accordance with their order of designation, shall be temporarily vested with the powers of the secretary.

CHAPTER XIII Of the attributions and duties of the secretary-general

Article 35

The duties of the secretary-general are:

a) To fulfil the agreements of the Directive Council and the mandates arising from the regulations-,

b) To carry out the proposed studies and put forward the necessary measures for a better performance of the objectives of the Centre;

c) To submit through the president, for the approval of the Directive Council, the financial statements, budget program and progresses made on the work plan of the fiscal year ending on the proceding December 31, reviewed by an independent auditor, as well as a report on the progress of the program and budget for the current fiscal year, previously analyzed by the Programming and Evaluation Commission;

d) To prepare the budget-program (income and expenditures) and the work plan for the following fiscal year for its approval, broken down by semesters and previously analyzed by the Programming and Evaluation Commission. To present the same for the consideration of the Directive Council through the president;

e) To deliver to the president, the Programming, and Evaluation Commission and any member country that so requests expressly, six-monthly reports on the budget program and progress of the work plan, explaining any variations as the case may be. Likewise, to report to the ptesvisAXt. the status of the quota collection from the member countries;