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Axticle 38

Based on the report presented by the secretary-genera), the Commission shall evaluate and decide on the report of the current program. With these elements, the secretary-general shall prepare the report on results to be submitted to the president for its presentation to the Council.

Article 39

Based on the project for the program of the following calendar year which has been studied and approved by the Programming and Evaluation Commission, the secretary-general shall prepare the projects proposed to be developed which shall be presented to the president and submitted to the consideration of the Directive Council by the same.

Sole paragraph. The member countries may designate the number of officials which they deem convenient to participate in the different programs of the Centre, and said officials shall be paid by the respective countries. The officials shall be evaluated and incorporated to a program by the secretary-general upon reception of a prior report by the persons responsible for the respective programs, if they fulfil the necessary requirements for the position, in accordance with the norms issued by the Directive Council. Once incorporated, and during the period of their performance, they shall have the same status as the other officials of the Centre.

CHAPTER XV Of the financing of CLAD

Article 40

CLAD shall be financed with the following resources:

a) Ordinary contributions made by the member countries in accordance with the table of contributions set by the Directive Council as established in item e) of article 13;

b) Extraordinary contributions from countries, as decided by the Council;

c) Special contributions from government for those . programs selected by them;

d) Contributions from national, international and other organizations;

e) Donations;

f) Income generated from CLAD's own activities.

Article 41

The annual ordinary contributions shall be made effective during the first quarter of each year.

Article 42

The host country for the meetings of the Directive Council shall cover all the operative functioning expenses thereof.

Article 43

An allotment not higher than 5% of the total amount of the budget shall be used by the General Secretariat to defray the preliminary expenses for the development and negotiation of future projects, justifying this entry in the semi-annual reports.

CHAPTER XVI Of the adhesion of countries to CLAD

Article 44

All the Latin American countries and those of the Caribbean area and the Iberian Peninsula are entitled to join CLAD as members or as adherents to specific programs carried out by said organization. Other>cbun-tries not belonging to these geographical areas may participate as observers pursuant to the provisions of article 18.

Article 45

The request must be made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the country making the petition, and channelled through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where CLAD has its headquarters, in accordance with clause eighth of the Accession Agreement.

Article 46

In its petition for accession, the requesting country shall indicate the amount in cash it commits itself to contribute yearly to CLAD, starting from the minimum amount established, and in agreement with the procedures for contributions calculation.

Paragraph I — The Council shall determine the minimum contribution, which shall be updated on periodical basis.

Paragraph II — Once the requirements established for the accession to the Centre have been complied with, the correspondence accrediting membership shall be forwarded to the requesting country.

Article 47

In the case of adhesions to specific programs, the non-member countries interested shall address a written notification to the president of CLAD.

CHAPTER XVII Of the personnel

Article 48

Upon request of the General Secretariat, the Directive Council shall establish a personnel policy for the institution which shall include selection proceedings, classification of salaries, personnel assessment and training based on advanced technical principles adapted to the budgetary possibilities of the institution.

Article 49

International personnel positions at the General Secretariat shall become vacant due to any of the following reasons:

a) A duly addressed and accepted resignation;

b) Death of the holder;

c) Impossibility of holder to take office beyond the sixty-day term, unless the Directive Council decides otherwise;

d) Dismissal of holder, as normatively approved by the Directive Council, in accordance with these Regu/ations;