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f) To present proposals to the president on the designation or dismissal of the persons in charge of the programmes, so that said proposals, once evaluated by the officer, be transmitted to the Directive Council;

g) To participate in the meetings of the Council, excepting when the Council decides to hold private meetings without his presence. The secretary shall have the right to participate in the meetings where his'proposals are being considered;

h) To exercise the functions delegated to him/her by the president;

/) To prepare projects for the internal regulations of the General Secretariat, and present them to the president, who shall decide on their presentation before the Directive Council, and to submit to the president the modifications deemed convenient by the organization of the Centre and the General Secretariat; he, in turn, shall present them to the Council for its final approval;

j) To propose to the president to hire long and medium-term international technical personnel, (the term of the agreement to be entered into with long-term personnel shall be of over a year, and for medium-term personnel from six to twelve months) and to appoint the short-term technical and administrative personnel, in accordance with the policies established by the Council to said effect. The widest variety of countries of origin is recommended for the election of said personnel;

k) To promote before the president and execute, once approved by the Directive Council or the Board of Directors in urgent cases, the contracts and agreements entered into with governments and with other national or international organizations for purposes of rendering the services offered by the Centre, in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth by the Directive Council;

1) To promote the formal acceptance of contributions from governments, international organizations, foundations and private institutions, for the purpose of financing the activities of the Centre, in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth by the Directive Council;

m) To foster the signature of cooperation agreements with related specialized organizations, in their respective fields of work, pursuant to the provisions of the Directive Council and to submit said agreements to the president, who shall forward them, as the case may be, to the Directive Council for confirmation;

n) To carry out the instructions of the president regarding the coordination of the tasks of the Centre with other international, regional, continental and bilateral programs in similar fields, which have been approved by the Council, also trying to optimize existing resources and installed capacity;

h) To collect the contributions of the member countries and maintain and administrate the

patrimony of the Centre in accordance with the policies and norms established by the Directive Council;

o) To petition the president of the Council to summon the ordinary meetings as well as the special meetings when deemed necessary;

p) To organize the secretarial services required by the Council, the commissions, the governmental expert groups, the working groups, the international advisors and other meetings summoned by the Directive Council or by the General Secretariat, in accordance with the policies of the Council;

q) To render in due course the reports, accounts and provide any other data required by the Directive Council or the president, or which may be formally established;

r) To prepare the notices and the tentative agenda for the meetings with the signature of the president of the Council, and submit them to the representatives of the member countries forty days prior to the date of each meeting at the latest;

s) To present to the Programming and Evaluation Commission, on its first annual meeting, the six-monthly report corresponding to the final stage of the previous fiscal year, as well as the duly audited financial report corresponding to the previous year;

/) To present to the Programming and Evaluation Commission a progress report of the current plan implementation as well as the proposal for the programs and budget for the following period pursuant to article 37 hereunder;

u) To present to the Directive Council a list of auditing firms in order that it may select the one to audit the operations of the Centre;

v) To deliver all the information required by the external auditing firm to carry out its tasks.

Article 36

The programs shall be under the direction of the secretary-general, who shall be in charge of the technical and administrative implementation of their respective areas of competence. The secretary-general shall entrust each program to a person responsible for its execution.


Of the formulation, submittal and approval of programs, budgets and reports on results

Article 37

At least two months prior to the ordinary annual meeting of the Directive Council, the secretary-general shall present to the Programming and Evaluation Commission a progress report on the programs and budget for the current fiscal year and the plan and budget proposal for the following period, structured in programs and projects and scheduled by semesters, so that they can be submitted, together with their decisions and remarks, to the Directive Council on its ordinary meeting.