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Article 8 – Acting on own motion

In proceedings affecting a child the judicial authority shall have the power to act on its own motion in cases

determined by internal law where the welfare of a child is in serious danger.

Article 9 – Appointment of a representative

1 In proceedings affecting a child where, by internal law, the holders of parental responsibilities are precluded

from representing the child as a result of a conflict of interest between them and the child, the judicial authority

shall have the power to appoint a special representative for the child in those proceedings.

2 Parties shall consider providing that, in proceedings affecting a child, the judicial authority shall have the

power to appoint a separate representative, in appropriate cases a lawyer, to represent the child.

C. Role of representatives

Article 10

1 In the case of proceedings before a judicial authority affecting a child the representative shall, unless this

would be manifestly contrary to the best interests of the child:

a provide all relevant information to the child, if the child is considered by internal law as having sufficient


b provide explanations to the child if the child is considered by internal law as having sufficient understanding,

concerning the possible consequences of compliance with his or her views and the possible consequences of any

action by the representative;

c determine the views of the child and present these views to the judicial authority.

2 Parties shall consider extending the provisions of paragraph 1 to the holders of parental responsibilities.

D. Extension of certain provisions

Article 11

Parties shall consider extending the provisions of Articles 3, 4 and 9 to proceedings affecting children before

other bodies and to matters affecting children which are not the subject of proceedings.

E. National bodies

Article 12

1 Parties shall encourage, through bodies which perform, inter alia, the functions set out in paragraph 2, the

promotion and the exercise of children's rights.

2 The functions are as follows:

a to make proposals to strengthen the law relating to the exercise of children's rights;

b to give opinions concerning draft legislation relating to the exercise of children's rights;

c to provide general information concerning the exercise of children's rights to the media, the public and

persons and bodies dealing with questions relating to children;

d to seek the views of children and provide them with relevant information.