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undertake to set up mechanisms for sharing relevant information when such information might assist in the carrying

out of the risk assessment referred to in Article 5 and namely the advanced provision of information about the types

and object of the betting products to the competition organisers, and in initiating or carrying out investigations or

proceedings concerning the manipulation of sports competitions.

2 Upon request, the recipient of such information shall, in accordance with domestic law and without delay,

inform the organisation or the authority sharing the information of the follow-up given to this communication.

3 Each Party shall explore possible ways of developing or enhancing co-operation and exchange of information

in the context of the fight against illegal sports betting as set out in Article 11 of this Convention.

Article 13 – National platform

1 Each Party shall identify a national platform addressing manipulation of sports competitions. The national

platform shall, in accordance with domestic law, inter alia:

a serve as an information hub, collecting and disseminating information that is relevant to the fight against

manipulation of sports competitions to the relevant organisations and authorities;

b co-ordinate the fight against the manipulation of sports competitions;

c receive, centralise and analyse information on irregular and suspicious bets placed on sports competitions

taking place on the territory of the Party and, where appropriate, issue alerts;

d transmit information on possible infringements of laws or sports regulations referred to in this Convention to

public authorities or tosports organisationsand/orsports betting operators;

e co-operate with all organisations and relevant authorities at national and international levels, including

national platforms of other States.

2 Each Party shall communicate to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe the name and addresses

of the national platform.

Article 14 – Personal data protection

1 Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to ensure that all actions

against the manipulation of sports competitions comply with relevant national and international personal data

protection laws and standards, particularly in the exchange of information covered by this Convention.

2 Each Party shall adopt such legislative or other measures as necessary to guarantee that the public

authorities and organisations covered by this Convention take the requisite measures in order to ensure that, when

personal data are collected, processed and exchanged, irrespective of the nature of those exchanges, due regard

is given to the principles of lawfulness, adequacy, relevance and accuracy, and also to data security and the rights

of data subjects.

3 Each Party shall provide in its laws that the public authorities and organisations covered by this Convention

are to ensure that the exchange of data for the purpose of this Convention does not go beyond the necessary

minimum for the pursuit of the stated purposes of the exchange.

4 Each Party shall invite the various public authorities and organisations covered by this Convention to provide

the requisite technical means to ensure the security of the data exchanged and to guarantee their reliability and

integrity, as well as the availability and integrity of the data exchange systems and the identification of their users.

Chapter IV – Substantive criminal law and co-operation with regard to enforcement

Article 15 – Criminal offences relating to themanipulation of sports competitions

1 Each Party shall ensure that its domestic laws enable to criminally sanction manipulation of sports

competitions when it involves either coercive, corrupt or fraudulent practices, as defined by its domestic law.

Article 16 – Laundering of the proceeds of criminal offences relating to the manipulation of sports


1 Each Party shall adopt such legislative or other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal