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referred to in Articles 15 to 17 of this Convention in cases in which an alleged offender is present on its territory and

cannot be extradited to another Party on the basis of his or her nationality.

4 When more than one Party claims jurisdiction over an alleged offence referred to in Articles 15 to 17 of this

Convention, the Parties involved shall, where appropriate, consult each other with a view to determining the most

appropriate jurisdiction for the purposes of prosecution.

5 Without prejudice to the general rules of international law, this Convention does not exclude any criminal,

civil and administrative jurisdiction exercised by a Party in accordance with its domestic law.

Article 20 – Measures to secure electronic evidence

1 Each Party shall adopt legislative or other measures to secure electronic evidence, inter alia through the

expedited preservation of stored computer data, expedited preservation and disclosure of traffic data, production

orders, search and seizure of stored computer data, real-time collection of traffic data and the interception of content

data, in accordance with its domestic law, when investigating offences referred to in Articles 15 to 17 of this


Article 21 – Protection measures

1 Each Party shall consider adoption of such legal measures as may be necessary to provide effective

protection for:

a persons who provide, in good faith and on reasonable grounds, information concerning offences referred to

in Articles 15 to 17 of this Convention or otherwise co-operate with the investigating or prosecuting authorities;

b witnesses who give testimony concerning these offences;

c when necessary, members of the family of persons referred to in sub-paragraphs a and b.

Chapter VI – Sanctions and measures

Article 22 – Criminal sanctions against natural persons

1 Each Party shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that the offences referred to in

Articles 15 to 17 of this Convention, when committed by natural persons, are punishable by effective, proportionate

and dissuasive sanctions, including monetary sanctions, taking account of the seriousness of the offences. These

sanctions shall include penalties involving deprivation of liberty that may give rise to extradition, as defined by

domestic law.

Article 23 – Sanctions against legal persons

1 Each Party shall take the necessary legislative or other measures to ensure that legal persons held liable in

accordance with Article 18 are subject to effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions, including monetary

sanctions and possibly other measures such as:

a a temporary or permanent disqualification from exercising commercial activity;

b placement under judicial supervision;

c a judicial winding-up order.

Article 24 – Administrative sanctions

1 Each Party shall adopt, where appropriate, such legislative or other measures in respect of acts which are

punishable under its domestic law as may be necessary to punish infringements established in accordance with

this Convention by effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions and measures following proceedings brought

by the administrative authorities, where the decision may give rise to proceedings before a court having jurisdiction.

2 Each Party shall ensure that administrative measures are applied. This may be done by the betting regulatory

authority or the other responsible authority or authorities, in accordance with its domestic law.