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18 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2016 133

Desiring to conclude an Agreement for the purpose of establishing and operating Air Services between and

beyond their respective territories;

Acknowledging the importance of air transportation as a means of creating and fostering friendship,

understanding and co-operation between the people of the two countries;

Desiring to facilitate the expansion of international air transport opportunities;



1. For the purpose of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the term:

a) "Aeronautical Authority" shall mean in the case of the Portuguese Republic, the National Institute of Civil

Aviation; and in the case of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the General Civil Aviation Authority; or in either case

any person or body authorized to perform any function to which this Agreement relates;

b) "Agreed Services” shall mean scheduled International Air Services between the respective territories of

the Portuguese Republic and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the specified routes for the transport of

passengers, baggage and cargo, separately or in any combination;

c) “Agreement” shall mean this Agreement, its Annexes drawn up in application thereof, and any amendment

to the Agreement or to the Annexes;

d) "Air Service", “Airline”, "International Air Service" and "stop for non-traffic purposes" have the meanings

respectively assigned to them in Article 96 of the Convention;

e) "Annex 1" shall include the route schedule annexed to the Agreement and any clauses or notes appearing

in such Annex 1 and any modification made thereto in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of this


f) "Convention" shall mean the Convention on International Civil Aviation, opened for signature at Chicago

on the seventh day of December 1944, and includes: (I) any amendment thereto which has entered into force

under Article 94(a) of the Convention and has been ratified by both Parties; and (ii) any annex or amendment

adopted thereto under Article 90 of that Convention, insofar as such annex or amendment is at any given time

effective for both Parties;

g) "Designated Airlines" shall mean an airline or airlines that have been designated and authorized in

accordance with Article 3 of this Agreement;

h) “Tariffs” shall mean the prices to be charged for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo and the

conditions under which those prices apply, including prices and conditions for agency and other ancillary services,

but excluding remuneration and conditions for carriage of mail;

i) "Territory" in relation to a State has the meaning assigned to it in Article 2 of the Convention;

j) “Traffic” shall mean the carriage of passengers, baggage cargo and mail;

k) “User Charges” shall mean charges made to airlines by the competent authorities or permitted by them to

be made for the provision of airport facilities, property and/or of air navigation facilities, including related services

and facilities for aircraft, their crews, passengers, baggage cargo and mail;

l) “Member States” shall mean Member States of the European Union;

2. The Annexes to this Agreement are considered an integral part thereof.

3. In implementing this Agreement, the Parties shall act in conformity with the provisions of the Convention

insofar as those provisions are applicable to International Air Services.


1. Each Party grants to the other Party the rights specified in this Agreement to enable its designated airlines to

establish and operate Agreed Services.

2. The designated airlines of each Party shall enjoythe following rights: