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10. When a Party has reasonable grounds to believe that the other Party has departed from the provisions of

this Article, the Aeronautical Authority of the first Party may request immediate consultations with the Aeronautical

Authority of the other Party. Failure to reach a satisfactory agreement within fifteen (15) days from the date of such

request shall constitute grounds for the application of paragraph (1) of Article 4 of this Agreement. When required by

an emergency, a Party may take interim action under paragraph (1) of Article 4 prior to the expiry of fifteen (15) days.

Any action taken in accordance with this paragraph shall be discontinued upon compliance by the other Party with

the security provisions of this Article.


1. The Designated Airlines of each Party shall have the right to establish in the Territory of the other Party offices

for the purpose of promotion of air transportation and sale of transport documents as well as for other ancillary

products and facilities required for the provision of air transportation.

2. The Designated Airlines of each Party shall be entitled to bring into and maintain in the Territory of the other

Party those of their own managerial, commercial, operational, sales, technical and other personnel and

representatives as it may require in connection with the provision of air transportation.

3. Such representatives and staff requirements mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article may, at the option of the

Designated Airline, be satisfied by its own personnel of any nationality or by using the services of any other airline,

organization or company operating in the Territory of the other Party and authorized to perform such services in the

Territory of such other Party.

4. The Designated Airlines of each Party shall, either directly and at their discretion, through agents, have the

right to engage in the sale of air transportation and its ancillary products and facilities in the Territory of the other

Party. For this purpose, the Designated Airlines shall have the right to use its own transportation documents. The

Designated Airline of each Party shall have the right to sell, and any person shall be free to purchase, such

transportation and its ancillary products and facilities in local currency or in any other freely convertible currency.

5. The Designated Airlines of one Party shall have the right to pay for local expenses in the Territory of the other

Party in local currency or provided that this is in accordance with local currency regulations, in any freely convertible


6. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Designated Airlines and indirect providers of air

cargo transportation of both Parties shall be permitted, without restriction, to employ any surface transportation for

air cargo to or from points in the Territories of the Parties or in third countries including transport to and from all

airports with customs facilities, and including, where applicable, the right to transport air cargo in bond under

applicable laws and regulations. Such air cargo, whether moving by surface or by air, shall have access to airport

customs and processing facilities. The Designated Airlines may elect to perform their own surface transportation or

to provide it through arrangements with other surface carriers, including surface transportation operated by other

airlines and indirect providers of air cargo transportation. Such intermodal cargo services may be offered at a single

through price for the air and surface transportation combined, provided that shippers are not misled as to the facts

concerning such transportation.

7. In connection with international air transportation, the Designated Airlines of each Party shall be permitted to

hold out passenger services under their own name, through cooperative arrangements with surface transportation

providers holding the appropriate authority to provide such surface transportation to and from any points in the

Territories of the Parties and beyond. Surface transportation providers shall not be subject to the laws and regulations

governing air transportation on the sole basis that such surface transportation is held out by an airline under its own

name. Such intermodal services may be offered at a single through price for the air and surface transportation

combined, provided that passengers are not misled as to the facts concerning such transportation. Surface

transportation providers have the discretion to decide whether to enter into the cooperative arrangements referred to

above. In deciding on any particular arrangement, surface transportation providers may consider, among other

things, consumer interest and technical, economic, space or capacity constraints.

8. All the above activities in this Article shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations

in force in the Territory of the other Party.