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7. The Parties may submit requests for clarification of the decision within 15 days after it receives the decision of

the tribunal, and such clarification shall be issued within 15 days of such request.

8. The Parties shall comply with any stipulation, provisional ruling or final decision of the tribunal.

9. Subject to the final decision of the tribunal, the Parties shall bear the costs of its arbitrator and an equal share

of the other costs of the tribunal, including any expenses incurred by the President or Vice President of the Council

of the International Civil Aviation Organization in implementing the procedures in paragraph 3(b) of this Article.

10. If, and as long as, either Party fails to comply with a decision contemplated in paragraph (8) of this Article, the

other Party may limit, suspend or revoke any rights or privileges which it has granted under this Agreement to the

Party in default.


1. If either Party considers it desirable to modify any provision of this Agreement, it may at any time request

consultation to the other Party. Such consultation, shall begin within a period of forty five (45) days from the date

the other Party has received the written request.

2. The amendments shall enter into force in accordance with what is established in Article 23 of this



This Agreement and any amendments thereto, shall be submitted by the Parties to the International Civil

Aviation Organization for registration.


1. This Agreement shall remain in force for an undetermined period.

2. Either Party may at any time give notice in writing through diplomatic channels to the other Party of its decision

to terminate this Agreement. Such notice shall be simultaneously communicated to the International Civil Aviation

Organization. In such case the Agreement shall terminate twelve (12) months after the date of receipt of notice by

the other Party, unless the notice to terminate is withdrawn by agreement before the expiry of this period.

3. In the absence of acknowledgment of receipt of a notice of termination by the other Party, notice shall be

deemed to have been received by it fourteen (14) days after the receipt of the notice by the International Civil Aviation



This Agreement shall enter into force thirty (30) days after the date of the receipt of the last notification, through

diplomatic channels, indicating that d all the internal procedures required for the purpose have been fulfilled.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments,

have signed this Agreement in duplicate in the Portuguese, Arabic and English Languages, all texts being equally

authentic and each Party retains one original in each language for implementation. In the event of any divergence

of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

Done at Lisbon on this 27th day of July of the year 2015.