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Recalling that the promotion of occupational safety and health is part of the International Labour Organization's

agenda of decent work for all, and

Recalling the Conclusions concerning ILO standards-related activities in the area of occupational safety and

health - a global strategy, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 91st Session (2003), in particular

relating to ensuring that priority be given to occupational safety and health in national agendas, and

Stressing the importance of the continuous promotion of a national preventative safety and health culture, and

Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to occupational safety and health, which

is the fourth item on the agenda of the session, and

Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention;

adopts this fifteenth day of June of the year two thousand and six the following Convention, which may be

cited as the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006.


Article 1

For the purpose of this Convention:

(a) the term “national policy”refers to the national policy on occupational safety and health and the working

environment developed in accordance with the principles of Article 4 of the Occupational Safety and Health

Convention, 1981 (No. 155);

(b) the term “national system for occupational safety and health” or “national system” refers to the

infrastructure which provides the main framework for implementing the national policy and national programmes

on occupational safety and health;

(c) the term “national programme on occupational safety and health” or “national programme”refers to any

national programme that includes objectives to be achieved in a predetermined time frame, priorities and means

of action formulated to improve occupational safety and health, and means to assess progress;

(d) the term “a national preventative safety and health culture”refers to a culture in which the right to a safe

and healthy working environment is respected at all levels, where government, employers and workers actively

participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment through a system of defined rights, responsibilities

and duties, and where the principle of prevention is accorded the highest priority.


Article 2

1. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall promote continuous improvement of occupational safety

and health to prevent occupational injuries, diseases and deaths, by the development, in consultation with the

most representative organizations of employers and workers, of a national policy, national system and national


2. Each Member shall take active steps towards achieving progressively a safe and healthy working

environment through a national system and national programmes on occupational safety and health by taking

into account the principles set out in instruments of the International Labour Organization (ILO) relevant to the

promotional framework for occupational safety and health.

3. Each Member, in consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers, shall

periodically consider what measures could be taken to ratify relevant occupational safety and health Conventions

of the ILO.


Article 3

1. Each Member shall promote a safe and healthy working environment by formulating a national policy.