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that party to the dispute, provided that a dispute between two intemational

organizations is not considered by nationals of one and the sarne State.

The States, intemational organizations or, as the case rnay be, the States and

organizations which constitute the other party to the dispute shall appoint two

arbitrators or, as the case rnay be, two conciliators, in the sarne way. The four

persons chosen by the parties shall be appointed within sixty days following the

date on which the other party to the dispute receives notification under article 66,

paragraph 2, subparagraph (f), or on which the agreernent on the procedure in the

present Annex under paragraph 3 is reached, or on which the Secretary-General

receives the request for conciliation.

The four persons so chosen shall, within sixty days following the date of the last of

their own appointrnents, appoint frorn the list a fifth arbitrator or, as the case rnay

be, conciliator, who shall be chairman.

Ifthe appointment ofthe chairman, or any ofthe arbitrators or, as the case rnay be,

conciliators, has not been rnade within the period prescribed above for such

appointrnent, it shall be rnade by the SecretaryGeneral ofthe United Nations within

sixty days following the expiry of that period. The appointrnent of the chairman

rnay be rnade by the Secretary-General either frorn the list or frorn the rnernbership

of the Intemational Law Commission. Any of the periods within which

appointrnents rnust be rnade rnay be extended by agreernent between the parties to

the dispute. If the United Nations is a party or is included in one of the parties to

the dispute, the Secretary-General shall transrnit the above-rnentioned request to the

President of the Intemational Court of Justice, who shall perform the functions

conferred upon the Secretary-General under this subparagraph.

Any vacancy shall be filled in the rnanner prescribed for the initial appointrnent.

The appointrnent of arbitrators or conciliators by an intemational organization

provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be govemed by the rules of that


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