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2. ln the event of any difference appeanng between a State or an intemational

organization and the depositary as to the performance of the latter' s functions, the

depositary shall bring the question to the attention of:

a) the signatory States and organizations and the contracting States and

contracting organizations; or

b) where appropriate, the competent organ of the intemational organization


Article 79

Notifications and communications

Except as the treaty or the present Convention otherwise provide, any notification or

communication to be made by any State or any intemational organization under the

present Convention shall:

a) ifthere is no depositary, be transmitted direct to the States and organizations

for which it is intended, or if there is a depositary, to the latter;

b) be considered as having been made by the State or organization in question

only upon its receipt by the State or organization to which it was transmitted

or, as the case may be, upon its receipt by the depositary;

e) if transmitted to a depositary, be considered as received by the State or

organization for which it was intended only when the latter State or

organization has been informed by the depositary in accordance with article

78, paragraph 1 (e).

Article 80

Correction of errors in texts or in certified copies of treaties

1. Where, after the authentication of the text of a treaty, the signatory States and

intemational organizations and the contracting States and contracting organizations

are agreed that it contains an error, the error shall, unless those States and

organizations decide upon some other means of correction, be corrected:

a) by having the appropriate correction made in the text and causing the

correction to be initialled by duly authorized representatives;

b) by executing or exchanging an instrument or instruments setting out the

correction which it has been agreed to make; or

11 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2020 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________