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Annex I

Route schedules

Section 1

Airline(s) of each Party designated under this Agreement shall be entitled to provide air transportation

between points on the following routes:

C. Routes to be operated by the designated airline(s) of Kenya:

Points in Kenya Intermediate Points Points in Portugal Beyond Points

Any points Any points Any points Any points

D. Routes to be operated in both directions by the designated airline(s) of Portugal:

Points in Portugal Intermediate Points Points in Kenya Beyond Points

Any points Any points Any points Any points

Section 2


1. The intermediate and beyond points to be operated by the designated airlines of each Party have to be

agreed upon directly between the aeronautical authorities of the two Parties.

2. The designated airlines of each Party may on any or all flights omit calling at any of the intermediate

and/or beyond points mentioned above, provided that the agreed services on the routes begin or end in the

territory of the Party which has designated the airlines.

3. The designated airlines of each Party may select any intermediate and/or beyond points at its own choice

and may change its selection in the next season on condition that no traffic rights are exercised between those

points and the territory of the other Party.

4. The exercise of the fifth freedom traffic rights on specified intermediate and/or beyond points shall be

subject to agreement between the aeronautical authorities of both Parties.