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10 | - Número: 001 | 16 de Julho de 2011

As the first international convention in the world addressing the specific issue of violence against women, the Istanbul convention is a landmark instrument, confirming the leading role of the Council of Europe in the field of standard setting.
This convention also recognizes a role for national parliaments in monitoring its implementation and invites the Parliamentary Assembly to regularly stake stock of it.
The Assembly, which has been strongly involved in the initiation, elaboration and opening for signature of the Istanbul convention, should strongly recommend its signature and ratification by the largest number of countries in Europe and outside. It should also call for accession by the European Union and promote it as a model for regional conventions, through the United Nations Women’s Agency.

ANEXO F Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men Appeal for voluntary contributions in support of the parliamentary dimension of the campaign for the promotion of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in 2012-2013 Document prepared by the Secretariat upon the instructions of the Chairperson, Mr. Mendes Bota (Portugal, EPP/CD)

1. On 22 June 2011, the Assembly adopted Resolution 1822 (2011) on the Reform of the Assembly.
Paragraph 5.6.1. of the Resolution reflects the Assembly’s decision “to seek more actively external sources of funding for Assembly actions (other than statutory activities) and new initiatives”.
2. The Bureau is thus requested to authorise an appeal for voluntary contributions in support of the parliamentary dimension of the campaign for the promotion of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) from national parliaments and/or governments for the years 2012 and 2013.
3. These voluntary contributions would make it possible for the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men to conduct campaigning activities to promote the Istanbul Convention without affecting its capacity to carry out its ordinary work.
4. It is estimated that the extra funds required1 would be 180.000 euros for a 2-year campaign.
5. In order to facilitate budgetary planning, pledges of support for the year 2012 should be made, if at all possible, before the October 2011 part-session of the Assembly (with the funds being made available on 1 January 2012).

Project proposal

Support to the parliamentary dimension of the campaign for the promotion of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) during the period 2012-2013

to be covered by possible voluntary contributions from Council of Europe member states (governments and/or parliaments)
1 Further funds will be made available from the Assembly’s ordinary budget in support of the campaigns, in particular to cover some staff-related costs.