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8 | - Número: 001 | 16 de Julho de 2011

– this new committee would have clear counterparts in the Council of Europe inter-governmental structures, as well as at national level, where numerous bodies exist dealing with equality and non discrimination on all grounds; – the EXTENT OF THE PROBLEM OF DISCRIMINATION in Europe fully justifies the existence of A SPECIFIC COMMITTEE dealing with it.

Needless to say, the Committee DOES NOT SUPPORT ill-advised amendments which confuse gender equality with a social problem or would like to sweep it under the carpet.
Colleagues, the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men praises Mr. Mignon’s report as a tremendous achievement in devising a COHERENT reform proposal.
This report is the best possible reform proposal. It is made for the good of the Assembly and for the values we stand for. I hope that after this reform, we might be seen by the European citizens as the real PARLIAMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS!

ANEXO B Speech by Mr. Mendes Bota on the debate of report Mignon (doc. 12627) about the ―Reform of the Parliamentary Assembly‖, about Amendment 15 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Strasbourg, 22nd of June 2011

Dear President, Dear colleagues, Gender equality is not a social problem, but a human rights issue. This would be an artificial merging.
Should we discuss the political representation of women in the Social Committee? And it would be in contradiction with the reform of the Council of Europe itself, where gender equality is not grouped with any other issue, but with other discrimination grounds, under the general framework of human rights.
That is why we should vote against this amendment!

ANEXO C Speech by Mr. Mendes Bota on the debate of report Mignon (doc. 12627) about the ―Reform of the Parliamentary Assembly‖, about Amendment 19 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Strasbourg, 22nd of June 2011

Dear President, Dear colleagues, To abolish the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men it would be a very wrong signal to the citizens outside, to other international organizations and to the Council of Europe itself.
It is unacceptable that the issue of gender equality could be dealt by a Committee having such a broad mandate, as the Legal Affairs Committee.
Gender equality would lose visibility and importance, and that would mean a downgrading of this issue.
That is why we should vote against this amendment!