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5 | - Número: 025 | 4 de Fevereiro de 2012

There are a number of measures that we can take, but I would like to mention a few. This time, I will not talk about quotas but about BEST PRACTICES.

Chairpersons – of national delegations, political groups and committees – have a key role to play to promote women’s active participation, and avoid that certain areas become a stronghold for men. Committee Chairpersons should encourage women to put forward their names as candidates for rapporteurships and other assignments. What’s more, in my opinion, they should postpone the vote on rapporteurhships in cases where all the candidates were of the same sex.

At the same time, however, women should be more daring and pro-active in asking to be given important and visible tasks. This will give more courage to other women. This will also get us all more used to seeing women in prominent positions, reinforce their legitimacy as leaders and allow for women’s talent and competence to emerge.

Men, on the other hand, should understand that lack of gender equality is not a problem for women, it is a problem for all of us, if we believe in the true foundations of democracy and human rights.

Colleagues, if we really believe in what we recommend to others, we should do it ourselves in the first place.


Question put by Mr. Mendes Bota to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Strasbourg, 23rd of January 2012

Dear President, Mr. Secretary General,

During your speech, you said, and said it well, that the Council of Europe needs partners and not competitors, to carry on its competences. And when we speak about the relationship between the Council of Europe and the European Union, I say, we need more cooperation and more coordination.

But how shall we interpreter the new Agency on Human Rights, based in Vienna? And the new European Fund for Democracy? Are they not competing with the core business of the Council of Europe, and having huge amounts of money at its disposal?

Why is the European Union accession to the European Convention on Human Rights lasting so long? What are the problems?

Another question, Mr. Secretary General, is related to the Eastern Partnership, called “5+1”, involving Moldova, Ukrain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, plus Belarus. How do you intend to enhance the political weight of the Council of Europe, in the context of the relationship with the European Union?


Speech of Mr.Mendes Bota on the presentation of his report on “Promoting the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating Violence against Women and domestic violence” (Doc.12810) Plenary of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Strasbourg, 26th January 2012