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7 | - Número: 025 | 4 de Fevereiro de 2012
3- It is based on holistic approach; 4- It sets a strong independent monitoring mechanism; 5- It recognises for the first time a special role to national parliaments and PACE.

This Convention should be supported, mainly due to 4 political reasons:

1- It defines the concept of “freedom of violence”; 2- It states violence against women is not a private matter; 3- It helps victims of violence to understand they are victims; 4- As a compromise document, standards set are free to surpass by member Estates.

Now, the question is: how can we promote the Istambul Convention?

1- At inter-governmental level, through regional seminars, events organized by external partners, website, publications and promotional material to be distributed and give visibility to the Convention.
2- At the parliamentary level:

a) Through the Network of contact parliamentarians committed to combating violence against women, that has decided yesterday to change the name to a shorter and media-friendly designation, as “Parliamentary Network Women Free From Violence”; b) The Network is currently composed by 37 parliamentarians that can organize hearings and activities, ask questions to their governments; c) Also, it appears advisable to extend the Network membership to the parliaments enjoying the status of partner for democracy; d) Publishing a Handbook for parliamentarians, setting up a website, calling for voluntary contributions and reinforcing partnership with civil society and non-governmental organizations; e) Finally, appointing an Assembly General Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, as the Committee of Equality and Nom Discrimination has already decided this week to propose for the Bureau’s approval. This will give more political visibility to the Assembly on the subject.

This Convention can be promoted:

1- In Europe, having more and more member Estates signing and ratifying the Convention, and having the accession of European Union.
2- Worldwide, as the Convention is an open instrument, inviting any nom-member Estate to accede, specially the new “partners for Democracy” in neighbouring countries in the South Mediterranean and Asia, strengthening partnerships with other international bodies, such as the UN Women Agency, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, or the IPU, and promoting it as a model to similar instruments at regional level.

By mentioning the UN Agency, allow me to play a special tribute to you Mrs. Michelle Bachelet, and also thank for coming to Strasbourg and addressing our Assembly today. Our Committee on Equality and NonDiscrimination has had a fruitful cooperation with UN Women since the organisation was established in 2010, and we are looking forward to continuing working together for the promotion and protection of women’s rights, so as to put women’s rights on the top of the political agenda; As you have heard, one of our priorities this year is the promotion of the ratification and implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, and that is why we are discussing today the role parliamentarians can play in the promotion of this instrument. I wish to thank Ms Bachelet for her continuous support to this Convention and hope it will be ratified and implemented by as many states as possible;