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17 | - Número: 037 | 5 de Maio de 2012

During these meetings, we will have the opportunity to meet women who STAND OUT. The Arab Spring has made it clear to everybody that also in the Arab world, under the appearance of ordinary women, perhaps wearing a veil, perhaps often in the limelight, THERE ARE MANY WOMEN WHO STAND OUT, for their strength, determination and sense of justice.
Far from being passive victims, they are courageous PROTAGONISTS.
These women WILL MANAGE to bring about more democracy in their countries and more equality between women and men. And we must be next to them, to support them in this process.
Nadia, my dear friend, YOU STAND OUT. For the beauty of your art-work and for your engagement to celebrate the women who have dared to challenge the established order by STANDING OUT and demanding equitable rights.
Nadia, thank you very much for having helped us build a bridge between Europe and Arab women through your work.
Thank you very much for having expressed in these impressive images something that, in many meetings and debates here in Strasbourg, we politicians will try to express in words.
I would like to leave you the floor, but not without having first asked our friends to give you an applause as a sign of appreciation of your paintings.



Comunicação relativa à integração da Deputada Maria José Moreno, do PSD, no Grupo Parlamentar de Amizade Portugal-Argélia

Encarrega-me o Presidente do Grupo Parlamentar de comunicar a V. Ex.ª, Sr.ª Presidente da Assembleia da República, que a Sr.ª Deputada Maria José Moreno passa a integrar o Grupo Parlamentar de Amizade Portugal-Argélia.

Assembleia da República, 19 de abril de 2012.
O Chefe de Gabinete, António Luís Romano de Castro.
A Divisão de Redação e Apoio Audiovisual.