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the Western European Union. In case the European Parliament invites us to reciprocate, the Bureau of our

Assembly would certainly take the adequate provisions.

Since the European Union has acquired international personality — and applied it immediately to establish

an external diplomatic service, full of former bureaucrats quickly converted to ambassadors … — I wish it could

now become a part to the European Convention of Human Rights, and even adhere and become a member of

the Council of Europe. Both steps would perhaps be beneficial to our fellow European citizens.

In each of our National Parliaments we should put some pressure on these items.

28 de janeiro de 2015

Debate de urgência sobre: “ Ataques terroristas em Paris: juntos para uma resposta democrática”

 Deputada Maria de Belém Roseira (PS)

J’adresse mes condoléances à toutes les victimes des attentats survenus à Paris et je condamne avec la

plus grande fermeté le terrorisme. Mais après le temps de l’émotion doit venir le temps dela raison, car il s’agit

de comprendre les enjeux géopolitiques de ce phénomène. Les terroristes cherchent à détruire nos valeurs,

nos libertés, si durement acquises, et notre manière de vivre ensemble. Tachons de ne pas leur faciliter la


Le terrorisme constitue un phénomène complexe, qui appelle une réponse réfléchie. Nous ne pourrons pas

combattre les attaques portées à nos libertés fondamentales par des actions qui mettent en cause ces libertés.

Nous devons agir de manière ferme, intelligente, rationnelle et efficace, dans le respect de nos valeurs.

Nous avons évoqué hier la libération d’Auschwitz, l’intolérance, l’abus de la force, la banalisation du mal. La

France a été frappée, mais tous nos pays avec elle. Nous sommes tous Français aujourd’hui et nous

condamnons ces attentats d’une même voix. Comme l’a dit Victor Hugo : « Ni despotisme, ni terrorisme. Nous

voulons le progrès en pente douce ».

Debate conjunto sobre: “A igualdade e a crise” e “A proteção do direito de negociação colectiva,

incluindo o direito à greve”

 Deputado Mota Amaral (PSD)

Madam President,

Distinguished Parliamentarians,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

May I congratulate our colleagues Nikolaj Villumsen and Andrej Hunko, both members of the group United

European Left, for their reports included in our agenda for a joint debate this afternoon. Both Committees on

Equality and Non-Discrimination and on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development and their

dedicated Secretariats are also to be commended.

This debate is indeed very timely. The economic crisis Europe has been through in recent years is being

faced with strong measures of austerity. In some cases, however, in Portugal, for instance, a careful attention

was given to less privileged people, which deserved and received special protection, even though perhaps


To pay public debt incurred previously and balance state budget in many of our countries, budgetary cuts in

social services, benefits and investment were imposed, together with enormous tax increases.

The natural consequences of these measures were the growing of unemployment, failures of enterprises,

default of banks, the impoverishment of the middle class and a generalised increase of poverty.

Proclaimed structural reforms, allegedly aimed at improving productivity and the competitiveness of

European economies in deregulated international markets, reduced dramatically the statutes and rights of

workers and their unions and put millions of persons out of their jobs and even their homes, destroying

reasonable conditions for a peaceful family life.