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The younger generation was incited to emigrate; the middle-aged jobless persons have little chances and

less hope.

It has become politically correct in certain media and political circles to consider all these tragic situations as

normal and perhaps beneficial … The ideological speech of the neoliberal ideas sounds triumphant!

Our Assembly must rise now to put an end to that situation, proclaiming once more the core values of the

Council of Europe.

Fundamental human rights are at stake when millions of persons slump into unemployment and poverty.

The strength of a pluralistic democracy is not compatible with a fragile, unstable middle class.

Growing inequality is clearly a threat to the social and political model of our societies and an invitation to all

forms of extremism.

Let us not close our eyes, even less our minds!

Globalisation must be regulated. Human rights and democracy must also be globalised. It is urgent to put

an halt to social and ecological dumping; both of which are creating new forms of exploitation and even slavery

of the labour force in poorer countries and destroying our economies and even perhaps the sustainability of

natural resources in our planet. ILO has an important role to play in this field. The authority of democratic states

is a permanent tool to protect the more vulnerable members of society and grant social justice to all.

With these principles, fully respected, a serious effort should be made in order that, in Europe and around

the World, the energies of all mankind be summoned by a new dawn of hope.