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-H.E. Mr. Yuri FEDOTOV, Deputy Secretary-General ofthe UnitedNations, Executive Director of the Office on Drugs and Crime

-H.E. Mr. Sergey LAVROV, Minister ofForeign Affairs oftheRussian Federation

-Mis. Veronika SKVORTSOVA, Minister ofHealth ofthe RussianFederation

-H.E. Mr. Rashid ALIMOV, Secretary-General of the ShanghaiCooperation Organization

Speeches of Heads of Parliamentarian Delegations (Speakers)(up to 7 minutes)

-H.E. Mr. Zulkifli I{ASSAN, President of the People’s ConsultativeCongress of Indonesia

-H.E. Mr. Ali Ardashir LARIJANI, Speaker ofthe Mejlis(Parliament) of Iran

-H.E. Mr. Sardar SADIQ, Speaker ofthe National Assemblyof Pakistan

-H.E. Mr. Nurdinjon 1SMOILOV, Chairman ofthe Legislative(Lower) Chamber of the Oliy Maj lis (Parliament) of Uzbekistan

H.E. Mr. José SERRANO SALGADO, President ofthe NationalAssembly (Parliament) of Ecuador

20 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2017____________________________________________________________________________________________________