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- Mi. Viadimir BOZHKO, Deputy Chairman ofthe Parliament ofKazakhstan

s. Amina MAELAININE, Deputy President ofthe NationalAssembly ofthe Kingdom ofMorocco

- Mrs. Maria Avila SERNA, Deputy President ofthe House ofRepresentatives ofthe General Congress of Mexico

• O J - Mr. Djordje MILICEVIC, Deputy President ofthe NationalAssembly (Parliament) of Serbia

- Mi. Abdujabbor AZIZI, First Deputy Chairman ofthe Majlisi OhP rliament) of Tajikistan

Mr. Rodolfo FARINAS, Majority Leader, Deputy President oftheHouse of Representatives of the Congress (Parliament) of thePj4lippines

/- Mr. Esbjorn HORNBERG, Çirrnan ofthe Vienna NGO

/ Committee- Mr. Nikita LUSFI KOV, Chairman ofthe Board ofthe National

Anti-Drug Union Russia)

- Lunch organized by the State Dumafor Presidents ofParliaments - Hail 649 (6t’floor)for Depuiy-Presidents ofParliaments - Hali “Gzhel” (Ptfloor),for olher foreign participants - Green Hail (1tfloor, connecting passage)


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Mr. Istvan JAKAB, Deputy President of the Hungarian StateAs embly (Parliament)

- Mr. Luceny FOFANA, Vice Speaker ofthe National Assembly(Parliament) of Guinea



20 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2017____________________________________________________________________________________________________