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GENERAL INFORMATIONfor participants of the International Parliamentary Conference

“Parliamentarians against drugs”

Registrafion forms (attached) of the Conference participants, the employee ofembassies, and other members of delegations, including accompanying persons andinterpreters, must be sent to the following e-mau addresses:conference20 1 7Jduma.gov.ru, iarrnanov@durna.gov.ru by l5’ November 2017.

Formats of delegations: up to 4 delegates (1+3) in case of speaker/vice-speakerleading and up to 3 (1+2) delegates in cases ofleading at iower levei. Please provide theteiephone number and e-mali address ofthe contactperson responsible for delegation.

Venue: State Duma of the Federal Assembiy of the Russian Federation (Moscow,Okhotny Ryad, 1).

Participants: Speakers of parliaments and leading experts from more than60 countries, representatives of the UN and other intemational organizations are invitedto participate.

It is expected that the Russian party will be represented by the Chairman of theState Duma ofthe Federal Assembly ofthe Russian Federation Mr. Viacheslav Volodin,leadership of the Council of the Federation, leaders of parliamentary factions, heads ofthe relevant committees of the State Duma, as well as heads of a number of federalministries and departments.

The program is designed for 1 working day.December 3, 2017: Arrival and accommodation of participants, cultural program

(tbc);December 4, 2017: Plenary session and thematic panels (draft program is

attached); please inform about the aliocation of delegation members to relevant paneis;December 5, 2017: Departure ofparticipants.

Format of panei sessions (sections): exchange of views on issues of agenda ofthe Conference. Speeches in the Plenary and paneis are limited to 5 minutes.

Simuitaneous interpretation during the Pienary wiil be available in six officialUN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish). To assureinterpretation of speeches in other languages, equipment for delegation’s interpreter maybe provided upon prior request.

Simultaneous interpretation during thematic paneis will be available in two orthree languages (thc).

Entry Visas shall be issued free of charge upon presentation of copy of invitationaddressed to the Speaker of Parliament, completed participant’s registration form andletter from the national Parliament confirming the inclusion of this person in thedelegation.

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