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Anexo IV – Quadro comparativo entre o texto inicial e o final da Declaração de Granada

Texto inicial Texto aprovado

On May 31 and June 1, 2018, the Heads of Delegation of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees of the Parliaments of the South of the European Union, held their sixth meeting in the Palacio de Carlos V in Granada, where they agreed the following Declaration.

1. After the first meeting held in Athens on May 16 and 17, 2016, the Heads of Delegation of the Parliaments of Cyprus, France, Greece, Portugal and Spain, meet again in Granada to reiterate their commitment to work together to reflect on the common challenges faced by the countries of the South of the European Union in the field of European foreign affairs and defence.

2. We welcome the impetus given by the Governments of the South EU countries to their cooperation within the EU framework, as proven by the four Summits already held, since the first one in Athens in September 2016 until the most recent in Rome in January 2018, to discuss a common project, where they have reiterated their commitment to work together in the European Council and in European institutions.

3. The Parliaments of the South EU countries, through their representatives in this Group, shall contribute to this debate from a parliamentary perspective, in the hope that their contributions shall be taken into account and contribute to reinforcing the democratic legitimacy of decision making in the framework of these policies within European institutions, both in the Council and in the European Commission, as well as in the European Parliament, in line with the strengthening of the role of national parliaments enshrined in the Treaty on the European Union.

3. The Parliaments of the South EU countries, through their representatives in this Group, shall contribute to this debate from a parliamentary perspective. These deliberations contribute to reinforcing the democratic legitimacy of decision making in European institutions, in the Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament. The Parliaments of the South EU are committed to the strengthening of the role of national parliaments enshrined in the Treaty on the European Union in the decision-making of the European Union.

4.Taking note of the European Council Conclusions in March 2018, where the European Council expressed its grave concern over the continued detention of EU citizens in Turkey, including two Greek soldiers, and called for the swift and positive resolution of these issues in a dialogue with Member States, the Parliaments of the South call for compliance with international law and treaties, the acquis communautaire, the principles upon which the European Union is founded, as well as the principles of good neighbourliness.

4. We insist that migration demands a global approach, including a strengthening of dialogue and cooperation with origin, transit and destination countries for migrations, particularly Mediterranean and African countries; intensify the fight against traffickers of human beings and smugglers; promote the readmission of irregular migrants; boost a truly European return policy; strengthen the control of external borders and continue to guarantee international protection for those who are entitled to it.

5. Without prejudice to the importance of common challenges, such as hybrid threats and cybersecurity, we insist that migration demands a global approach, including a strengthening of dialogue and cooperation with origin, transit and destination countries for migrations, particularly Mediterranean and African countries. We reiterate our commitment to international law, the Geneva Conventions, human rights and the values of humanitarianism and solidarity. We call for a strengthening of the fight against traffickers and smugglers of human beings. We expect that irregular migrants will be returned to their countries of origin in accordance with the provisions of the relevant domestic and European law. We call for the strengthening of the control of external borders and continue to guarantee the rescuing of migrants at risk and extending international protection for those who are entitled to it.