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Mr Jan Engström

Member ofDelegation,Principal StaffOfficer to the DGEUMS

Ms Michela Pavoncello Delegation Staff,Policy Officer

Mr Rudolf Rentschler

Observer, SecretaryLiberal (LDR)Group in theOSCE-PA

Renew Europe, RE


Mr Sauli Niinistö

President of theRepublic ofFinland,Keynote Speaker

Ms Federica Mogherini

HighRepresentative ofthe Union forForeign Affairs andSecurity Policy andVice-President ofthe EuropeanCommission

Mr Mika Anttonen Chairman, St1

Mr Carl Bildt

Co-Chair of theEuropean Councilof ForeignRelations

Ms Heather Conley

Senior Vice-President forEurope, Eurasiaand the Arctic andDirector for EuropeProgramme

11 DE OUTUBRO DE 2019______________________________________________________________________________________________________________