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I would also like to thank the colleague who reminded us that Iranian women are not allowed to play

sports. I want to take this opportunity to repudiate the violence against Iranian women and support their


Whether in sports, politics or society, women do not want privileges: they want rights and women's rights

are human rights.

I will end by saying that it is necessary to abandon the idea that women are used to working but do not

know how to make decisions. The road is long and full of pitfalls, but it must be travelled without wasting


No one voluntarily gives up power: women must be the ones to fight for the right to share equality with

men, both in the sports and public spheres and in the private sphere.

One thing is certain: one who has the privileges does not want to lose them and one who is well seated in

the chair of power will not get up if they do not have to. History shows that. In this respect, male courtesy

has not worked.

I would also like to thank the secretariat of the Commission on Equality, in particular Ms Elodie

Fischer, whose professionalism and dedication must be highlighted. She was tireless in preparing the

hearings and the many debates - and online hearings - that we held throughout the process.

Now, I hope that the resolution will be approved.

Thank you very much.

A Resolução adotada, sublinha que as desigualdades de remuneração, tratamento, acesso e estatuto

entre mulheres e homens são ainda comuns no desporto profissional e não profissional, e que as mulheres

estão pouco representadas nos órgãos de decisão.

Declara ainda que existe uma necessidade urgente de prevenir a violência baseada no género, no sexismo,

na discriminação e nos estereótipos de género no mundo do desporto, promover a igualdade de género,

investir no desporto para todos, e pôr fim à invisibilidade das mulheres e raparigas neste domínio.

Apelou aos Estados membros para que tomem medidas para prevenir a violência contra mulheres e

raparigas no desporto - incluindo nas escolas e nas organizações desportivas – que apoiem as vítimas e

processem os culpados. Condenou o discurso de ódio e sexismo dirigido a atletas do sexo feminino,

incluindo atletas LBTI, e apelou aos Estados para prevenir e combater o assédio a atletas LBTI e para abolir

as políticas discriminatórias.

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 29_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________