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A Assembleia Parlamentar também elogiou a Roménia pela sua rápida resposta às grandes vagas de

refugiados da Ucrânia e pela assistência que tem prestado a um grande número de pessoas que

necessitam de proteção internacional.

A Deputada Edite Estrela (PS), fez a apresentação do seu Relatório, com a seguinte intervenção:

Dear Colleagues,

Romania was one of the first three countries selected by the

Monitoring Committee according to the new procedure of

periodic reports. It has taken longer than initially expected to

prepare this report. Firstly, procedural questions had to be

clarified, then there was a pandemic, a political crisis and elections in Romania. Rapporteurs have also

been replaced several times due to their internal elections.

We have based our report on a variety of sources: findings of relevant Council of Europe monitoring

mechanisms; relevant work of the European Commission and its monitoring reports on the judiciary and

the fight against corruption; opinions of the Venice Commission and relevant judgements of the European

Court of Human Rights.

We then verified all this information in direct contact with the representatives of the civil society in

Romania, in a series of online meetings and during our visit in Bucharest on 4 and 5 July 2022.

We received exhaustive comments to our draft memorandum from the Romanian authorities and in

particular from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Superior Council for Magistracy.

First of all, I wish to stress that we have recognised the substantial progress accomplished by Romania

towards compliance with Council of Europe standards, in particular with regard to the judiciary and the

fight against corruption, and this is despite the backslide which occurred between 2017 and 2019.

In the area of the judiciary, the Government adopted the Strategy for the Development of the Judiciary for

2022-25, defining clear deadlines for the implementation of the reforms.

II SÉRIE-D — NÚMERO 29_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________