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Stop the barbarism. Respect international law, human rights and sovereignty of nations. Don’t turn the

world into a jungle with no law nor moral.

Killing more and more people, ruining a country and blackmailing the world with food and energy will not

give you the victory. On the contrary, it will destroy you faster.

You have no way out. You will be judge for your war crimes and crimes against humanity for the inhuman

war you brought with no reason.

Justice must be done and the only place you will have in history will be in jail.

Thank you

A Deputada Edite Estrela (PS), na qualidade de Relatora da Comissão da Igualdade e da Não

Discriminação e de Co-Relatora da Comissão para o Respeito das Obrigações e Deveres dos Estados-

membros do Conselho da Europa (Suivi / Monitoring), apresentou dois Relatórios, no dia 13 de outubro.

No âmbito do Relatório sobre “A luta por uma igualdade de condições - acabar com a discriminação

contra as mulheres no mundo do desporto”, (Doc. 15611), Resolução 2465 (2022), a Deputada Edite

Estrela fez a seguinte intervenção:

Thank you, Mr President.

Dear colleagues,

The preparation of this report "Levelling the playing field - ending

discrimination against women in sport" has given me a better

understanding of the reality of the world of sport and of the many deep-seated inequalities that still often

go unnoticed. Inequalities in salary, treatment and status between women and men are still common in

the field of sport.

Women, in all their diversity, are poorly represented in decision-making bodies, national federations and

clubs. Sexist comments and stereotypical images of sportswomen, questioning their so-called femininity,

are regularly broadcast in the media and on social networks. In parallel, there is a hypersexualization of

23 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2022_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________