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And Schengen member States are under a duty to genuinely provide for swift judicial review of any entry

into the database.

Human rights are a priority in the European integration process and must always be safeguarded.

Thank you.

“O cumprimento de obrigações e compromissos pela Turquia” (Doc. 15618). Foi adotada a a Resolução

2459 (2022), a 12 de outubro. O Deputado Pedro Cegonho (PS), participou no debate em representação

do Grupo Político SOC, com a seguinte intervenção:

Thank you very much, Mr. President

First of all, I would like to congratulate the two rapporteurs for the excelent

analisys and reflections written in this report, about “The honouring of

obligations and commitments by Türkiye”.

We believe that all moniture procedure was developed in a spirit of dialogue and co-operation with the

Turkish authorities.

On the other hand, we also would like to thank the work of the experts who cooperated in the preparation

of this report, in special to the Venice Commission.

After reading the draft resolution, your explanations and of your conclusions, we underline several issues:

The Turkish authorities need to ensure that all conditions will be met to guarantee free and fair elections,

including the ability of the opposition to operate, and journalists to work in an independent way. Freedom

of media has been a longstanding concern. During an electoral campaign, access to media and media

coverage is crucial to provide voters with pluralistic information.

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