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“Apoiar uma perspetiva europeia para os Balcãs Ocidentais” (Doc. 15609). Foram adotadas a

Recomendação 2237 (2022) e a Resolução 2456 (2022), a 11 de outubro. A Deputada Catarina Rocha

Ferreira (PSD), estava inscrita no debate, mas devido ao elevado número de oradores inscritos não teve

oportunidade de apresentar a sua intervenção, que ficou registada na ata da Sessão:

Dear Mr President,

Dear Colleagues,

To start, I would like to remind this Assembly that there is an important friendship to be maintained

between the European Union and the Western Balkan countries.

As an example, the EU is the leading trade partner for all Western Balkans, with almost 70% of the region's

total trade.

Taking a close look at the years from 2011 to 2021 we verify that the EU trade with the Western Balkans

has grown by almost 130%. And in the same period, Western Balkans exports to the EU have increased by


So there is an important interconnection and the aim should be to create a better Europe for everyone.

In this regard both the Council of Europe and the European Union have a long tradition of co-operation

which draws on their shared values:

- human rights,

- democracy,

- and the rule of law.

I underline the capacity and the indispensible role of the Council of Europe building bridges and promoting

more cooperation and dialogue.

In fact, the EU integration of the Western Balkans is a shared strategic objective that unites the whole

region and the European Union.

So, if we want to focus on building a credible EU future for the Western Balkan countries, that also means

creating the right conditions in order to move forward with further European enlargement.

23 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2022_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________