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22. The Assembly welcomes the advances in the regulation of political financing adopted since 2016, inparticular the prohibition of loans from banks headquartered outside the European Union and the limit on theamount which natural persons may donate. In this connection, the Assembly refers to the recommendationsby the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and the Office for Democratic Institutions and HumanRights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE/ODIHR) aimed at improving thetransparency of political financing.

23. The Assembly congratulates the French authorities on the efforts to combat violence against women, inparticular the many measures announced since 2019, and on their unequivocal commitment in this area. TheAssembly calls for these announcements to be given full effect by allocating the resources needed forimplementing this policy.

encourages the French authorities to adjust the regulatory environment to the sweeping changes in the media sector so as to improve the transparency of media ownership and guarantee internal and external media pluralism.

27 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2024 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________