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15. To this end, the Assembly calls on member States:

15.1. as regards legislation to counter far-right extremism and to enhance the protection of groups invulnerable and marginalised situations, to:

15.1.1. ensure legislation that addresses the dissolution of political parties or prohibition of the formation of a political party complies with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the recommendations of the European Commission for Democracy through Law;

15.1.2. elaborate potential strategies to prosecute violent extremism conducive to terrorism;

15.1.3. sign and ratify, if they have not already done so, Protocol No. 12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ETS No. 177) and the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems (ETS No. 189);

15.1.4. disseminate and fully implement Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on combating hate speech;

15.1.5. set up anti-hate crime units in police forces and provide continuing training for police forces focused on the issues of cultural diversity, equal rights and the fight against racism and aimed at raising police officers’ awareness of manifestations of far-right extremism and hate speech, as well as boosting their skills in terms of identifying, preventing and tackling such crimes;

15.1.6. ensure effective mechanisms for taking action against law enforcement personnel engaged in far-right extremist activities;

15.2. as regards the promotion of education and media literacy, combating online radicalisation and countering disinformation, to:

15.2.1. counteract extremist narratives and various forms of incitement, in line with Assembly Resolution 2221 (2018) “Counter-narratives to terrorism”, through school programmes and awareness-raising campaigns, underlining the shared values of human dignity, peace, non-violence, tolerance and human rights, and involve the victims of extremist acts;

15.2.2. develop a co-ordinated national media literacy policy, in line with Assembly Resolution 2314 (2019) “Media education in the new media environment”;

15.2.3. support educational projects and teaching methods aimed at tackling anti-democratic ideologies;

15.2.4. supplement public messaging and awareness campaigns by taking active measures to address conspiracy theories and disinformation and enhance fact-checking capabilities as part of a package of measures to enhance societal resilience against far-right propaganda;

15.2.5. ensure that internet intermediaries take effective measures to fulfil their duties and responsibilities not to make accessible or disseminate hate speech that is prohibited under criminal, civil or administrative law;

15.3. as regards supporting civil society, to:

15.3.1. support prevention policies, including through engagement with entities that work directly with the youth, such as social workers and mental health workers;

15.3.2. deepen partnerships with civil society organisations that are engaged with deradicalisation, rehabilitation, and victim support;

15.4. as regards upholding a respectful and inclusive political discourse, to:

15.4.1. implement the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance General Policy Recommendation No. 15 on Combating Hate Speech by adopting relevant administrative, civil and, as a last resort, criminal law provisions;

15.4.2. ensure that no public funding is allocated to parties promoting hate speech and hate crime;

15.5. as regards enhancing the protection of elected officials, to elaborate, in co-ordination with them, specific measures to improve their protection;

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