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Recommendation 2262 (2023)1Provisional version

Preventing addictive behaviours in children

Parliamentary Assembly

1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers to its Resolution 2520 (2023) “Preventing addictive behaviours inchildren” and emphasises the responsibility that lies with member States to guarantee the right of children toenjoy the best possible state of health, including by adopting addiction prevention and treatment measures.The persistence or growth of this problem among children have shown the long-term ineffectiveness of thenational policies and laws in force.

2. Noting that socio-economic difficulties are a major source of stress for children and hence a cause ofdrug use and other addictive behaviours, the Assembly recalls its work on poverty, in particular itsRecommendation 2234 (2002) “Eradicating extreme child poverty in Europe: an international obligation and amoral duty”. It regrets the inadequacy of the Committee of Ministers’ reply in this field and urges it to fullyimplement the recommendation so as to achieve, in Europe, the global goal of eradicating extreme poverty by2030 (United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 1.1), thereby helping to reduce one of the root causes ofaddictions in children.

3. It welcomes the initial activities of the Council of Europe International Cooperation Group on Drugs andAddictions (Pompidou Group) focusing on children and families affected by parental drug use, and the LisbonDeclaration of 13 and 14 December 2022, which incorporated protecting the rights of persons belonging tovulnerable groups and reducing the availability of illegal drugs, as well as preventing addiction to the internetand online gambling, into the priority activities of the Pompidou Group for 2023-2025.

4. In this context, the Assembly invites the Committee of Ministers to ask the governing bodies of thePompidou Group to:

4.1. place emphasis on preventing drug use among children by stepping up their co-operation with other international organisations and civil society, basing their recommendations on validated studies and involving children in their activities. It notes the particular potential benefits of looking into the use of cannabis, which is the drug most used by children. A summary of the consequences of the use of cannabis on the physical and cognitive development of children could serve as a basis for a co-ordinated Europe-wide cannabis prevention policy and an approach taking account of the best interest of the child to the recurring issue of the legalisation or decriminalisation of cannabis possession or use so as to deliver a clear message which will be understood by the entire population and in particular by children;

4.2. focus their work on behavioural addictions facilitated by online technologies and practices, placing emphasis on the study of addictive behaviours in children and related prevention measures, including by proposing indicators making it possible to identify this type of behaviour – indicators which should also be made available in a child-appropriate format, among other things so as to enable children to conduct self-assessments;

1. Assembly debate on 13 October 2023 (24th sitting) (see Doc. 15830, report of the Committee on Social Affairs,Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Diana Stoica). Text adopted by the Assembly on 13 October 2023(24th sitting).

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