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4.3. conduct studies on the prevalence of the use by children of new psychoactive substances, often synthetic drugs, whether legal or illegal, and to propose appropriate prevention measures, targeting children, parents and health professionals.

5. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers instruct the Council of Europeintergovernmental sector to devise tools to raise awareness among children of the consequences ofexcessive or addictive use of digital tools and applications, including online betting and gambling, as part ofthe implementation of its Strategy for the Rights of the Child 2022-2027.

6. The Assembly considers it worth developing regional networks in Europe and beyond and extendingthe work carried out in the context of the Mediterranean School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs(MedSPAD) to all the member States of the Pompidou Group, making it thereby possible to survey thespecific national characteristics of adolescent substance use and risk behaviours more broadly. Accordingly, itrecommends that the Committee of Ministers instruct the governing bodies of the Pompidou Group to set up abroader surveying process, covering all addictive behaviours, possibly by region, so as to enable States toexchange good practices based on common indicators concerning adolescents. This survey should includepopulations of younger children.

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