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Resolution 2511 (2023)1Provisional version

The challenge of far-right ideology to democracy and human rights in Europe

Parliamentary Assembly

1. Ideologies that seek to repudiate democracy, undermine human rights and ignore the rule of law are indirect opposition to the core values of the Council of Europe. The attacks of recent years by far-rightextremists, both in Europe and globally, must serve as a signal of the danger posed by this ideology to humanrights, the functioning of democratic institutions, and to diverse and inclusive societies.

2. The Parliamentary Assembly recalls the commitments taken by Council of Europe member States toabide by the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and to uphold pluralism, tolerance andrespect for diversity as fundamental values that underpin European societies. Extremist ideologies thatthreaten these principles and commitments warrant a coherent and responsible approach in order to preservea free, secure, and democratic Europe.

3. Far-right violence, driven by xenophobia, racism and other forms of intolerance, has increased sharplyin recent years. Failed coup attempts from Germany to Brazil and attacks on elected representatives havefurther demonstrated the growing danger of far-right extremism, while a number of member States considerforms of far-right terrorism the fastest growing or most prominent domestic security threat they face.

4. The Assembly has repeatedly made clear its unequivocal condemnation of manifestations of far-rightextremism. It has adopted a number of resolutions to tackle the challenge of extreme right-wing ideology, hatespeech and intolerance. The evolving dynamics of modern far-right movements, the more sophisticatedmeans of communication, the proliferation of online extremist material, the mainstreaming of the far-rightideology into the public domain, and the raised threat levels across a number of member States mean that it isnecessary to continue to refine and adapt actions to protect against ideologies that are incompatible withhuman rights, democracy and the rule of law.

5. A continuing pattern of democratic backsliding in Europe provides a backdrop for the rise in actions thatare against our core values and standards. The Assembly considers that the most effective way of preventingfar-right extremism is to strengthen adherence to these core values.

6. The Fourth Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe has given renewedimpetus to the Organisation as the cornerstone of European democratic security, to the protection of ourdemocratic foundations, and to countering challenges to human rights. The Assembly welcomes the resolveof member States to stand firm against authoritarian tendencies by enhancing shared commitments.

7. Politicians and political parties should be at the forefront of responses to the phenomenon, both in thepublic defence of human rights and democratic principles and in the unequivocal rejection of all forms ofracism and intolerance, hate speech, incitement to racial hatred and harassment.

8. Governments must ensure that there are counterweights to extremist discourse by publicly challengingthe narratives of far-right extremism, and ensuring that measures are in place that strengthen the respect ofhuman rights and promote a model of society that embraces diversity and respects human dignity.

1. Assembly debate on 10 October 2023 (21st sitting) (see Doc. 15826, report of the Committee on Political Affairs andDemocracy, rapporteur: Mr Samad Seyidov). Text adopted by the Assembly on 10 October 2023 (21st sitting).

Resolutions 2511 to 2522

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