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39 Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre. 2022. Pacto parlamentario iberoamericano y caribeño por el hambre cero con igualdad de género. Disponible en: http://parlamentarioscontraelhambre.org/?s=genero)

Social protection programmes have increased women’s employment rate and resilience. They have also facilitated climate adaptation, improved well-being in high climate risk settings and helped the most affected and vulnerable people recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and extreme weather events.

Increased efforts to collect data (disaggregated by sex and other social variables) with the aim of measuring empowerment in its multiple dimensions have been instrumental in improving the design and effectiveness of gender equality and empowerment programmes and policies and in strengthening agrifood systems.

Outstanding actions in the area of gender associated with food and nutritional security include the initiatives carried out by the Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, such as the Latin America and the Caribbean Parliamentary Pact for Zero Hunger with Gender Equality, among others.39

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