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SESSION 3 - Hemycicle Transforming food systems to make them more inclusive, sustainable and resilient in the face of climate changeOpening: Ms María Rosario Alonso, Right to Food Observatory, Spain Moderator: Hon. William Leong Jee Keen (Mr), Member of Parliament, Malaysia Hon. María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos (Ms), Member of the European Parliament European Green Deal - From Farm to Fork (VIRTUAL) Hon. Ricardo Velázquez Meza (Mr), Senator, General Congress of the United Mexican States and Secretary of the Committees of PARLATINO Model Laws: Family Farming, Climate Change and SAN, Food Loss and Waste Hon. Evaristus Njong (Mr), Member of the Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change, Pan-African Parliament Model Law on Climate Change as a means to address the climate crisis in Africa Hon. Kody Blois (Mr) and Hon. Francis Drouin (Mr), Members of Parliament, Canada Sustainability, Climate Change, and the Future of Food Security

Session 4 - Hemycicle Strengthening coordination, cooperation and collaboration to guarantee the Right to Adequate Food

Opening: Mr Leonard Mizzi, Head, Sustainable Agri-food Systems Unit, DG INTPA, European Commission Moderator: Mr Antón Leis Garcia, Director of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, AECIDRound Table: Inter and Intra-regional parliamentary initiatives: Actors, institutionality and parliamentary coordination - Governance and policy coherence for the achievement of the SDG2.Hon. Dr. Jihad Al-Fadhil (Ms), Chairman of ASSECAA's Parliamentary Network for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa and the Arab world, Second Deputy Chairperson of the Shoora Council of the Kingdom of Bahrain (VIRTUAL) Hon. Angelique Ngoma (Ms), President of the Commission for Cooperation and Development, Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie, APF, Member of Parliament, Gabon Hon. Yussuf Adan Haji (Mr), Chair of the Eastern Africa Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, EAPA – FSN, Member of Parliament, Kenya H.E. Ar. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Haji Abdul Rahman (Ms), Secretary General of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, AIPA (VIRTUAL)

Parliamentary Fronts Against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean

COFFEE BREAK - El Pensador Hall 

27 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2024 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________