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8.5. run awareness campaigns on LGBTI rights and diversity;

8.6. guarantee legal recognition of gender identity;

8.7. recognise, if this is not already the case, the right to marriage for same-sex couples.

9. The Assembly welcomes the creation of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on SexualOrientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (ADI-SOGIESC) and calls on themember States to appoint a member to it and to support its work.

10. The Assembly urges member States to recognise fears of persecution on grounds of sexual orientation,gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics as grounds for granting asylum, to be supportive ofasylum applications made by LGBTI persons who have been forced to flee their country for these reasons andto ensure their access to humanitarian and entry visas to grant access to their territories.

11. The Assembly also asks political parties to commit to tackling hate, whatever the basis for it, to opposeanti-LGBTI hate speech and disinformation, and to adhere to the principles and rules of the Charter ofEuropean political parties for a non-racist and inclusive society. It expresses support for LGBTI rightsdefenders and civil society organisations working to protect the rights of LGBTI persons.

12. Lastly, the Assembly calls on the member States to give political and financial backing to the mandateof the United Nations Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexualorientation and gender identity, and to support the implementation of his recommendations.

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