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Resolution 2545 (2024)1Provisional version

Mainstreaming the human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment with the Reykjavik process

Parliamentary Assembly

1. The Parliamentary Assembly stresses that the challenge of climate change constitutes the greatestexistential emergency for humankind and that this emergency is mainly due to the lack of long-lastingstructural action.

2. The Assembly notes with dismay that the Council of Europe is now the only regional human rightssystem which has not yet formally recognised the right to a healthy environment.

3. For decades, however, the Assembly has been urging the Council of Europe member States to takethis step. In particular, it reaffirms its Recommendation 2211 (2021) “Anchoring the right to a healthyenvironment: need for enhanced action by the Council of Europe”.

4. The Assembly notes that at the 4th Council of Europe Summit, held in Reykjavik on 16 and 17 May2023, the Heads of State and Government recognised the urgency of additional efforts to protect theenvironment, as well as to counter the impact of the “triple planetary crisis of pollution, climate change andloss of biodiversity” and its effects on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. An Intersecretariat TaskForce on the Environment was established in January 2024 and has carried out a stocktaking survey ofexisting activities, planned activities and proposals for new activities. It also proposed elements for thedevelopment of a first Council of Europe strategy on the environment.

5. The Assembly also notes that in 2024, the Committee of Ministers will have to follow up work on thefeasibility of instruments on human rights and the environment and the draft convention superseding andreplacing the Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law (ETS No. 172).

6. Mindful of the strategic importance of this moment, almost one year on from the 4th Summit and threeyears after Recommendation 2211 (2021), the Assembly wishes to update its expectations and contribute tothe implementation of the Reykjavik process through concrete and realistic proposals.

7. The post-Reykjavik environment Strategy will be implemented by and for the young generations andmust be supported by civil society. The course must therefore be firmly fixed for the future and the bar set highas the Council of Europe and its member States will be held accountable for decades to come. The Assemblyconsiders that the requirements in terms of accountability must be extremely strict: transparency, ethics,accessibility, responsibility, efficiency, and reliability must be the watchwords of all the measures deployed.

8. The Assembly underlines the need for the future strategy to have a clear goal in terms of settingstandards at European level and encourages decision makers to focus on drawing up a legal bindinginstrument recognising an autonomous right to a healthy environment within the Council of Europe.

1. Assembly debate on 18 April 2024 (12th sitting) (see Doc. 15955, report of Committee on Social Affairs, Health andSustainable Development, rapporteur: Mr Simon Moutquin). Text adopted by the Assembly on 18 April 2024 (12th sitting).

See also Recommendation 2272 (2024).


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