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Resolution 2544 (2024)1Provisional version

The honouring of obligations and commitments by Albania

Parliamentary Assembly

1. Albania joined the Council of Europe on 13 July 1995. Upon its accession, it undertook to honour theobligations incumbent on all member States under Article 3 of the Statute of the Council of Europe (ETS No.1) with regard to pluralist democracy, the rule of law and human rights. In addition, it undertook to honour anumber of specific commitments listed in Opinion 189 (1995) “Application by Albania for membership of theCouncil of Europe”, adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly on 29 June 1995. In conformity with themonitoring procedure, as established in Resolution 1115 (1997), the Assembly has regularly assessedAlbania’s progress with regard to the honouring of its obligations and commitments.

2. The previous report on the honouring of obligations and commitments by Albania was debated by theAssembly on 2 October 2014 and led to the adoption of Resolution 2019 (2014). The Assembly welcomes thatmany of the recommendations and concerns outlined in Resolution 2019 (2014) were addressed, and thatAlbania has made considerable and tangible progress in honouring its membership obligations and accessioncommitments to the Council of Europe. At the same time, the Assembly is cognisant that a number ofunresolved issues and concerns remain that the country should strive to address.

3. The Assembly welcomes that the protracted systemic political crisis that has plagued the country foryears has recently started to subside, although its root causes have not yet been resolved. Nevertheless, theAssembly remains concerned about the polarised political environment which is the Achilles heel of thedemocratic consolidation of the country. Constant vigilance in this respect is necessary and all political forcesshould continue to work incessantly to create a political environment that is truly conducive to democraticinteraction and governance.

4. The Assembly welcomes the adoption, in 2020, of a new legal framework for elections that was basedon an inclusive process and broad consensus between the political stakeholders. However, it is concernedabout the frequent changes to the electoral framework which reflect a tendency to play with the rules insteadof by the rules. The Assembly reiterates that stability of electoral legislation is essential to ensure the trust ofthe stakeholders and wider public in the electoral process and the outcome of the elections. Therefore, whilecalling on all political stakeholders to address, well before next elections take place, the shortcomings anddeficiencies identified during past elections, the Assembly urges them to move away from using constantchanges to the Electoral Code as a mechanism to alter the balance of power or alternative to normal politicalinteraction in the framework of the parliament. With regard to the electoral framework, the Assembly callsupon the Albanian authorities and Parliament, based on a broad consensus between all political forces, to:

4.1. adopt, and consistently implement, legislation to address the abuse of administrative resources and vote buying that have marred previous elections in the country;

4.2. adopt the necessary legislation to ensure that the legal framework for party and campaign financing is fully in line with international standards;

4.3. agree on the demarcation of the new electoral districts, as foreseen by the 2020 Electoral Code, based on an inclusive process that fully adheres to international standards;

1. Assembly debate on 17 April 2024 (11th sitting) (see Doc. 15950, report of the Committee on the Honouring ofObligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee), co-rapporteur:Mr Ionuț-Marian Stroe). Text adopted by the Assembly on 17 April 2024 (11th sitting).


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