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7 DE MAIO DE 1980


Conservation of energy;

Municipal and industrial waste utilisation

for energy conservation; Overall energy system analysis and general


d) Uranium enrichment, including co-operative programs:

To monitor developments in natural and enriched uranium supply;

To facilitate development of natural uranium resources and enrichment services;

To encourage such consultations as may be required to deal with international issues that may arise in relation to the expansion of enriched uranium supply;

To arrange for the requisite collection, analysis and dissemination of data related to the planning of enrichment services.

2 — In examining the areas of co-operative action, the Standing Group shall take due account of ongoing activities elsewhere.

3 — Programs developed under paragraph 1 may be jointly financed. Such joint financing may take place in accordance with article 64, paragraph 2.


1 — The Management Committee shall review the reports of the Standing Group and make appropriate proposals to the Governing Board, which shall decide on these proposals not later than 1st July, 1975.

2 — The Governing Board shall take into account possibilities for co-operation within a broader framework.


Relations with producer countries and with other consumer countries


The Participating Countries will endeavour to promote co-operative relations with oil producing countries and with other oil consuming countries, including developing countries. They will keep under review developments in the energy field with a view to indantifykig opportunities for and promoting a purposeful dialogue, as well as other forms of co-operation, with producer countries and with other consumer countries.


To achieve ithe objectives set out in article 44, the Participating Countries will give full consideration to the needs and interests of other oil consuming countries, particularly those of the developing countries.


The Participating Countries wQl, in the context of /the Program, exchange views on their relations with oil producing countries. To this end, the Participating Countries should inform each other of co-operative action on their pant with producer countries which is relevant to ithe objectives of the Program.


The Participating Countries wU, in the context of the Program:

Seek, in the light of their continuous review of developments in the international energy situation and its effect on the world economy, opportunities and means of encouraging stabîe international trade in oil and of promoting secure oil suppEes on .reasonable and equitable terms for each Participating Country;

Qmsider, in the Eght of work goinig

Keep under review the prospects for cooperation with oil producing countries on energy questions of mutual interest, such as conservation of energy, the development of aitemative sources, and research and development.


1 — The Standing Group on Relations with Producer and other Consumer Countries will' examine and report to the Management Committee on the matters described in this chapter.

2 — The Management Committee may make proposals on appropriate co-operative action regarding these matters to the Governing Board, which shall decide on such proposals.

CHAPTER IX Institutional and general provisions


1 — The Agency shall' have the following organs:

A Go-verning Board;

A Management Committee;

Standing Groups on:

Emergency Questions; The Oil Market; Long Term Co-Operation; Relations with Producer and Other Consumer Countries.

2 — The Governing Board or the Management Committee may, acting by majority, establish any other organ necessary for the implementation of the Program.

3 — The Agency shall have a Secretariat to assist the organs mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2.

Governing Board


1 — The Governing Board shall be composed of one or more ministers or their delegates from each Participating Country.