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7 DE MAIO DE 1980




1 — The Governing Board shaH adopt decisions and recommendations for which no express voting provision is made in this Agreement, as follows:

a) By majority:

Decisions on the management of the Program, including decisions applying provisions of this Agreement which already impose specific obligations on Participating Countries;

Decisions on procedural questions;


b) By unanimity:

All other decisions, including in particular decisions which impose on Participating Countries new obligations not already specified in this Agreement.

2— Decisions mentioned in paragraph 1, b), may provide:

a) That they shall not be binding on one or

more Participating Countries;

b) That they shall be binding only under certain


article 62

1 — Unanimity shall require all of the votes of the Participating Countries present and voting. Countries abstaining shall be considered as not voting.

2 — When majority or special majority is required, the Participating Countries shall have the following voting weights:


3 — Majority shall require 60 per cent of the total combined voting weights and 50 per cent of the general voting weights cast.

4 — Special majority shall require:

a) 60 per cent of the total combined voting

weights and 45 general voting weights for:

The decision under article 2, paragraph 2, relating to the increase in the emergency reserve commitment;

Decisions under article 19, paragraph 3, not to activate the emergency measures referred to in articles 13 and 14;

Decisions under article 20, paragraph 3, on the measures required for meeting the necessities of the situation;

Decisions under article 23, paragraph 3, to maintain the emergency measures referred to in articles 13 and 14;

Decisions under article 24 to deactivate the emergency measures referred to in articles 13 and 14;

b) 51 general voting weights for:

Decisions under article 19, paragraph 3, not to activate the emergency measures referred to in article 17;

Decisions under article 23, paragraph 3, to maintain the emergency measures referred to in article 17;

Decisions under article 24 to deactivate the emergency measures referred to in article 17.

5 — The Governing Board, acting by unanimity, shall decide on the necessary increase, decrease, and redistribution of the voting weights referred to in paragraph 2, as well as on amendment of the voting requirements set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 in the event that:

A country accedes to this Agreement in accordance with article 71; or

A country withdraws from this Agreement in accordance with article 68, paragraph 2, or article 69, paragraph 2.

6— The Governing Board shall review annually the number and distribution of voting weights specified in paragraph 2, and, on the basis of such review, acting by unanimity, shall decide whether such voting weights should be increased or decreased, or redistributed, or both, because a change in any Participating Country's share in total oil consumption has occurred or for any other reason.

7 —Any change in paragraph 2, 3 or 4 shall be based on the concepts underlying those paragraphs and paragraph 6.

Relations with othar entities ARTICLE 63

In order to achieve the objectives of the Program, the Agency may establish appropriate relations with non-participating countries, international organizations, whether governmental or non-governmental, other entities and individuals.