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1 — Any Participating Country may request the Secretariat to make a finding under article 19 or 20.

2 — If, within 72 hours of such request, the Secretariat does not make such a finding, the Participating Country may request the Management Committee to meet and consider the situation in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

3 — The Management Committee shall meet within 48 hours of such request in order to consider the situation. It shall, at the request of any Participating Country, report to the Governing Board within a further 48 hours. The report shall set out the views expressed by the members of the Committee and by the Secretariat, including any views regarding the handling of the situation.

4 —The Governing Board shall meet within 48 hours of receiving the Management Committee's report. If it finds, acting by majority, that the conditions set out in article 13, 14, 15 or 17 are fulfilled, emergency measures shall be activated accordingly.


The Governing Board may at any time decide by unanimity to activate any appropriate emergency measures not provided for in this Agreement, if the situation so requires.



1 — The Secretariat shall make a finding when a reduction of supplies as mentioned in article 13, 14 or 17 has decreased or can reasonably be expected to decrease below the level referred to in the relevant article. The Secretariat shall keep the Management Committee informed of its deliberations and shall immediately report its finding to the members of the Committee and inform the Participating Countries thereof.

2 — Within 72 hours of the Secretariat's reporting a finding, the Management Committee shall meet to review the data compiled and the information provided. It shall report to the Governing Board within a further 48 hours. The report shall set out the views expressed by the members of the Committee, including any views regarding the handling of the emergency.

3 — Within 48 hours of receiving the Committee's report, the Governing Board shall meet to review the finding of the Secretariat in the light of the report from the Management Committee. The deactivation of emergency measures or the applicable reduction of the demand restraint level shall be considered confirmed unless the Governing Board, acting by special majority, decides within a further 48 hours to maintain the emergency measures or to deactivate them only in part.

4 — In making its finding under this article, the Secretariat shall consult with the international advisory board, mentioned in article 19, paragraph 7, to obtain its views regarding the situation and the appropriateness of the measures to be taken.

5 — Any Participating Country may request fhe Secretariat to make a finding under this article.


When emergency measures are in force, and the Secretariat has not made a finding under article 23, the Governing Board, ac ing by special majority, may at any time decide to deactivate the measures either whollyor Ln part.


Information System on the International Oil Market


1 — The Participating Countries shall establish an Information System consisting of two sections:

A General Section on the situation in the international oil market and activities of oil companies;

A Special Section designed to ensure the efficient operation of the measures described in chapters i to rv.

2 — The System shall be operated on a permanent basis, both under normal conditions and during emergencies, and in a manner which ensures the confidentiality of the information made available.

3 — The Secretariat shall be responsible for the operation of the Information System and shall make the information compiled available to the Participating Countries.


The term «oil companies)) means international companies, national companies, non-integrated companies and other entities which play a significant role in the international oil industry.

General Section


1 — Under the General Section of the Information System, the Participating Countries shall, on a regular basis, make available to the Secretariat information on the precise data identified in accordance with article 29 on the following subjects relating to oil companies operating within their respective jurisdictions:

a) Corporate structure;

b) Financial structure, including balance sheets,

profit and loss accounts, and taxes paid;

c) Capital investments realised;

d) Terms of arrangements for access to major

sources of crude oil;

e) Current rates of production and anticipated

changes therein;

f) Allocations of available crude supplies to affi-

liates and other customs (criteria and realizations);

g) Stocks;

h) Cost of crude oil and oil products;

i) Prices, including transfer prices to affiliâtes; /) Other subjects, as decided by the Governing

Board, acting by unanimity.

2 — Each Participating Country shall take appropriate measures to ensure that all oil companies operating within its jurisdiction make such information