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Ln paragraph 2 of this article, or to impose such conditions as it may deem necessary on the exercise by the designated airline of the rights specified that substantia] ownership and effective control of that airline are vested in the Contracting Party designating the airline or in its nationals.

5 — When an airline has been so designated and authorized, it may begin at any time to operate the agreed services, provided time-tables and tariffs relating to those services have been approved in accordance with the provisions of articles 8 and 11 of this Agreement.


(Revocation of the permit, suspension of rights and Imposition of conditions)

1 — Each Contracting Party reserves the right to revoke the operating permit or to suspend the exercise of the rihts specified in article 2 of this Agreement by the airline designated by the other Contracting Party, or to impose such conditions as it may deem necessary on the exercise of those rights, whenever:

a) It is not satisfied thai substancial ownership

and effective control of that airline are vested in the Contracting Party designating the airline or in nationals of such Contracting Party; or

b) That airline fails to comply with the laws or

regulations of the Contracting Party granting those rights; or

c) The airline otherwise fails to operate in accor-

dance with the conditions prescribed under this Agreement.

2 — Unless revocation, suspension or imposition of the conditions mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article is euseniial .to- prevent further infringements of laws or -regulations, such right shall be exercised only after consultation with the other Contracting Party. In such a case the consultation shall begin within a period of thirty days of the date of request for the consultation.

ARTICLE S (Laws and regulations)

1 — The laws and regulations of each Contracting Party governing the admission to, remaining in and departure from iits territory of aircraft engaged in international air services and the operation and navigation cf aircraft while within the limits of its territory shall also be applied ito the aircraft of the designated airline of the other Contracting Party.

2 — Crew, passengers and shippers, either personally or through a third party acting cn their behalf or in their name, shall be subject ito. the laws and regulations in force in the territory of either Contracting Party governing the admission to, remaining in and departure in and departure from its territory cf crew, passengers and cargo, in particular those regarding emmigration, immigration, passports, customs, sawitary control and foreign exchange control.

3 — Show! entry visa bz required for the admision of foreigners to the territory of a Contracting Party,

the crew of the aircraft used in the operation of the agreed services shall be exempt from passport and visa provided they hold a document of identification craft used in similar international service.

4 — The laws and regulations above referred to shall be identical to those applicabe to national aircraft used in similar international service.

ARTICLE 6 (Certificates and licences)

1 — Certificates of airworthiness and certificates of competency and licences issued or rendered valid by a Contracting Party and not lapsed shall be recognized as valid by the other Contracting Party for the operation of the air services specified in the Annex to this Agreement.

2 — Each Contracting Party reserves, however, the right to refuse to recognize the validity for the purpose of flight above its own territory of certificates of competency and licences granted to its nationals by another State.

ARTICLE 7 (Capacity)

1 — There shall be fair and equal opportunity for the airlines of both Contracting Parties to operate the agreed services on the specified routes.

2 — In operating the agreed services, the airline of each Contracting Party shall take into account the interests of the airline of the other Contracting Party so as not tp affect unduly the services which the latter provides on the whole or part of the specified routes.

3 — The agreed services operated by the airlines designated by the Contracting Parties shall be adjusted to meet the requirements of the public for transportation on the specified routes and shall have as their primary objective the provision, at a reasonable load factor of capacity adequate to meet the current and reasonably antecipated requirements of the traffic in passagers, cargo and mail, between the territories of the Contracting Parties. The total capacity to be provided shall be divided as far as possible equally between the designated airlines.

4 — A capacity additional to that considered in paragraph 3 of this article may be temporarily offered, whenever the traffic demand between the territories of both Contracting Parties will justify it.

5—The Aeronautical Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall consult each other on the implementation of the provisions of this article whenever there is a disagreement between the designated airlines or whenever the said Authorities deem it useful.

ARTICLE 8 (Programmes)

1 — The capacity to be offered and the frequency of services on the specified routes shali be discussed, agreed and reviewed from time to time, between the designated airlines and shall be submitted to the approval of the Aeronautical Authorities of both Contracting Parties.